Chapter 4

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I used to glimpse at him every morning in the cafeteria.

Whenever I looked, he was staring right back. We would make eye contact, flush red, and immediately divert our attention else where. It was a silly little crush; nothing too serious. We were freshmen, it was normal. This went on for weeks, and I didn't even know his name yet.

One morning I walked into school preparing for another day of long-distance-flirting. However, this time he was already there. He was sitting where I usually do, arms spread over the table like he owned it. A childish smile pulled at my lips as butterflies soared in my stomach. My feet were stuck to the ground. All I could do was gawk at the back of his head.

After what felt like forever of watching his hair sway in the AC, he turned around to face me. Even from across the cafeteria he made my face warm up.

My feet dragged on the tile as I made my way to the now grinning boy.

"Excuse me," I teased, "I think you're in my seat."

"Oh, this?" He pointed to the bench he was lounging on, "I didn't see your name on here. Not that I would recognize it." He was smiling wide, seemingly just as happy and nervous as I was.

"Touche." I placed my bag down on the seat, sitting next to it and the boy. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I had enough of staring at you nervously from across the room," He smiled wider, the action making me feel like I was floating. "I don't even know what your name is." He laughed, looking down at his shoes under the table.

"Y/n." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl."

My face practically exploded into a deep shade of red. Just the sound of his voice made me feel safe. "Alright, smooth talker, whats yours?"

"Jacob." He held out a hand for me.

I chuckled, grabbing it and giving a light shake. The moment I touched his skin, I knew he was the one; I knew this was the start of something great.

Things were amazing in the beginning. He brought me gifts every other week for no reason other than he loved me. He bought me food, talked on the phone for hours, hugged me, kissed me, appreciated me.

Our first date had been at his house. We sat on the couch under a blanket together and watched movies for what felt like days. We had enough junk food that day to feed a small army. The whole time was filled with nothing but pure love.

Every date after that just got better and better. More love, more appreciation, more attention. He made me never want to leave him. Ever.

And the moment he realized that, things started to go down hill.

After he understood that he had me hooked, he started adding rules. He needed to know where I was going, and who I was going with. I wasn't allowed to wear certain clothes out of the house. I couldn't see specific friends or family members. He needed to see all my texts and hear all my calls.

I remember the first time he accused me of cheating. He wouldn't talk to me for a week. It devastated me. He refused to believe that he was just a friend no matter what I told him. He would send his friends to harass me in the hall. They even dented my locker while I was in class, and the principal made me pay for it. I ended up cutting the guy off even though we had known each other since the first grade. He was showing how awful things would be if I ever left him. It was terrifying.

He dismissed my emotions towards anything, rolling his eyes whenever I mentioned something was bothering me. He called me needy more times then I could count. If I got him mad, he would withhold any kind of physical contact as punishment. He wouldn't even pat my shoulder.

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