♪ XXIV ♪

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Namjoon froze in horror.

Wait— actually, that was kinda cool.

He just shot Sehun right through his brain.

"I just saved us in my own kidnapping, holy shit!" The pink-haired male boasted.

Seokjin gave him a weird look before pushing the dead body off of him. He wiped the blood off on his white shirt and walked over to the younger, taking his gun back.

"Dis place ain't doin' no good fuh yuh sanity." The mafia boss tsked, helping the male up on his feet and placing him on his back, ignoring Namjoon's protests. "Let's get you outta he'uh."

"Jacks, you're cutting off my airway." The tall pink-haired male gasped, trying to pry his best friend's arms off that kept tightening around his next by the second.

"I'M JUST GLAD YOU'RE NOT HURT SO STOP COMPLAINING— OW!" Jackson screamed when he felt his hair being pulled back, causing him to let go of the giant. Namjoon breathed heavily, nodding at his orange-haired friend as a thank you.

"It's my turn, Wang. I missed him too, you ain't special." Jimin scoffed before reeling in his pink-haired friend for another bone-crushing hug.

While struggling to stay conscious, Namjoon caught sight of the mafia boss walking away from the door. He stood up, gently pushing his smaller friend off of him to stand up from where he was bombarded on the couch. Thankfully, he gained control over his own limbs about an hour ago when they arrived back in the Dire headquarters.

"I'll be right back." The male excused himself, leaving the other two in Jackson's living room while he went to chase after the raven head.

He saw the older about to enter his own condo, immediately jogging over. "Jin!"

Seokjin looked up at the sound of the other's voice, leaving his keys in the doorknob.

"Namjoon." The mafia boss greeted monotonously, refusing to meet the younger's eyes. His lip was cut and his temple was turning red along with the side of his jaw. A bruise was forming around his right eye which was awfully painful just from the look of it.

"Did you need somethin'?" Seokjin questioned, turning the knob and stepping in the place. The other followed behind.

"Did you?" Namjoon retorted. "I saw you earlier."

"Pretty concernin' if you didn't since I was da one tuh carry you back tuh da car." The older sarcastically remarked.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I was jus' checkin' up tuh make sure everythin' was back tuh normal." Seokjin lied, proceeding to turn around and head to the kitchen. "You should go back, Jackson and Jimin are probably worryin'-"

Namjoon stopped him, holding the older male's wrist. "Stop using them as an excuse, you couldn't care less about how they feel. Why is it always Jackson and Jimin worrying and never you worrying?" The younger questioned softly.

Seokjin fixed his gaze on the other's hand on his wrist, not really knowing how to answer the question.

The pink head noticed the dense atmosphere he'd created and immediately let go. "N-nevermind, sorry. Here, let me help you with your bruises." The mafia boss watched Namjoon walk to the freezer, grabbing the ice bag before seating himself on the counter top.

The older stood between his legs like he did back when the younger stitched his cut, Namjoon carefully placing the bag next to the male's eye. It was painful but relieving, Seokjin closing his eyes and relaxing under the cold sensation.

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