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Areum's POV

"Are you truly Chanyoung?" I asked, my eyes widening as I stared at the little boy before me. It was difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that he stood there, alive and breathing, when I had witnessed his lifeless body being lowered into the ground. How was it possible?

I had never been a firm believer in the concepts of heaven, hell, or an afterlife, but perhaps there was something beyond our understanding at play. Could it be that Chanyoung was unable to cross over to the other realm?

"How am I able to see you?" I murmured, my words more directed at myself than at Chanyoung.

"Well, maybe the Gods are intervening on your behalf?" Yeri responded cautiously, prompting me to look up at her.

"Yeri, can you see spirits too?" I inquired, surprised by her revelation. She reached into the pockets of her school vest and pulled out something—an identical small crystal bottle filled with blood-red liquid, just like the one Dino had shown me the other day.

"I use these," she explained, holding the bottle delicately between her pointer finger and thumb. "I sometimes use them when I'm around Dino."

Dino looked at her in astonishment. "I didn't know that..."

Yeri smiled fondly at him. "I know you feel like you're alone in this. You can't even discuss it with the other members because you fear they might question your sanity. But I believe in you, Chan. I've always believed in you."

Dino sniffed, his eyes welling up with tears. "Yerim-ah, you're truly the best girlfriend!"

Yeri blushed at his words. "Shut up! Stop being so melodramatic!"

"Noona..." Amidst the emotional exchange, I heard Chanyoung's voice softly calling out to me.

I looked down, meeting his gaze.

"You can truly see me, right?" he asked, seeking confirmation. I nodded resolutely. "Of course, I can see you."

"In that case, can you grant me a wish, noona?" In that moment, Chanyoung's voice quivered, barely above a whisper, as if carrying a weighty secret. It was a sound that demanded my attention, and my curiosity was instantly piqued. 

I arched an eyebrow, silently urging him to continue, "What is it?"

With a hint of sadness in his eyes, Chanyoung mustered a fragile smile. It was the smile of someone who knew their time was running out, but harbored a deep longing. My confusion deepened as I tried to process his words. The notion he presented seemed preposterous, almost too surreal to comprehend.

"What is it?" I managed to ask, my voice a mixture of concern and disbelief. The air around us seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his response.

"...I don't have much time left," Chanyoung whispered, his words hanging in the air like a fragile thread. "But before... before everything changes, I want to see you debut as a singer, noona."

His plea resonated within me, tugging at my heartstrings. I blinked, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of his request. The weight of his words settled upon me, slowly sinking in. It felt as if the universe had conspired to grant him this one final wish, intertwining our fates in an unexpected way.

"Chanyoung-ah, I'm sorry, but... what?" I stammered, struggling to process the enormity of his proposition. Emotions surged within me, a whirlwind of confusion and astonishment colliding.

He took a step closer, his eyes filled with a mixture of determination and hope. "Noona, isn't debuting as a singer your lifelong dream?" he gently reminded me. "I know you passed the guerilla audition the other day, but you haven't told Mom and Dad anything yet, have you?"

His words struck a chord deep within my soul, unlocking memories and aspirations that had long been tucked away. My gaze fell to the ground, mirroring the weight of my thoughts. Why would he ask this of me? Why now, when time seemed so fleeting?

Chanyoung's translucent form seemed to shimmer in the dim light, his eyes filled with an earnest longing. The room felt charged with an otherworldly energy as I struggled to comprehend his request.

"But why, Chanyoung?" I whispered, my voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and sadness.

A gentle breeze rustled through the room, carrying with it a hint of Chanyoung's sweet laughter. "Because, Noona, I want to witness your dreams come true. I want to be there, even if it's in spirit, to cheer you on as you step onto the stage and share your talent with the world."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the depth of Chanyoung's selflessness. He had always been the one supporting me, encouraging me to chase my dreams. And now, even in his spirit form, he wanted to be there by my side.

A bittersweet smile tugged at my lips. "Chanyoung, you've always been my biggest cheerleader. Your presence, even in this ethereal form, means the world to me."

Chanyoung's ghostly figure hovered closer, his small hand reaching out to touch my cheek. Though his touch was intangible, I felt a warmth spreading through my being, comforting and reassuring.

"Noona, promise me that you'll never give up on your dreams," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

Touched by his words, I nodded, my voice choked with emotion. "I promise, Chanyoung. I won't give up. I'll work hard to make our dreams come true, and you'll be there with me every step of the way."

As our eyes met, a silent understanding passed between us. Chanyoung's time in this realm was limited, and this encounter was a precious gift. We needed to make the most of it, cherishing every moment we had together.

With newfound determination, I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. "Chanyoung, I'll make sure that our debut becomes a reality. We'll honor your memory and create music that will resonate with the world."

Chanyoung's smile widened, his presence radiating with a renewed sense of joy. "Thank you, Noona. I believe in you, and I know that you'll shine bright like the star you are."

At that moment, the weight of grief lifted, replaced by a profound sense of purpose. Chanyoung had given me a gift beyond measure—an unwavering belief in myself and the strength to continue pursuing my dreams.


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