(IronSoldier) Another Dollar

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!Instagram Inspired!  I found a post on Instagram about 2 sisters. It was a story about how whenever the older one was upset, the younger one would slip a dollar bill in their jacket pocket and it would make them feel better. :)

Whenever life was really getting to him... somehow there was magically a dollar in his hoodie pocket the next morning. He didn't know why or how it got there but it was there every single time. He thought nothing of it the first few times it happened but when it continued happening after years of living with the Avengers, he started to question it.

Bucky wondered into Steve's room, not bothering to knock, "Steve, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Steve set down his sketchbook, "Something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing's wrong. It's just, well," Bucky sighed, "it's a lot. I've been out of cryo for 3 years but I still have the thought that one day someone will say those words and..."

"And you'll go soldier mode again?" Steve finished for him, "You won't."

Bucky gave him a nod and looked at his hands, one flesh and one metal. "Have you noticed when I get sad and then the next day I'm a little better?"

Steve nodded, "What about it?"

"Every time I'm upset about something, the next morning I have a buck in my hoodie."

Steve chuckled, "Yeah?"

Bucky shoved him, "It's not funny, asshole."

Steve shook his head and held his hands up in defense, "I'm not making fun of you, Buck."

"Then what's so funny?"

"It's Tony." Steve leaned back on his bed laughing. "Tony's the one leaving the dollar."

"How do you know?" Bucky questioned.

"He's been doing it since you got here. Every time he noticed you weren't happy or someone told him you were having a tough day, he'd nod and suddenly get up and leave." Steve explained.

"That doesn't mean it's him," Bucky countered.

"Well, we didn't think anything of it until you started coming and telling us you found another buck in your pocket." Steve said, "The team started to shrug it off but Tony always smiled. I think he was happy that he could make you smile when you were so down. I used to be the only one that could do it."

Bucky smiled to himself, "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Steve nodded and picked up his sketchbook as Bucky left the room. He practically ran to find Tony, looking in his bedroom, in the kitchen, the living room.

Finally, he headed to his lab and knocked, "Tony, it's me"

"Jarvis, unlock the door." The door unlocked and Bucky entered, shutting it behind him. "How're you feeling, Barnes?"

Bucky smiled to himself as he went and leaned on the table in front of Tony, "You care."

"Umm... yeah?" Tony questioned what he cared about, but the way Bucky had said it was more of a statement than a question. "What do I care about?"

Bucky shoved his hand into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a single, "Every time I have a rough day a dollar shows up in my pocket."

"So I've heard," Tony smiled, "it's nice, right?"

Bucky rolled his eyes and walked around the table to stand in front of Tony, whose head had to tilt up to look him in the eyes, "I know you're the one leaving the money."

Tony scoffed, "I deny all accusations."

Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash with a rubber band around it, "No one else on this team would do that except Steve. And even Steve wouldn't give me five hundred and seventy-two dollars just because I'm sad sometimes. He would talk to me about it but he wouldn't pull out his wallet."

Tony looked at the pile of cash on the table before sighing and looking back at the brunette with a man bun, "You kept it all? Why didn't you spend any of it?"

"It meant a lot to me, I didn't wanna spend it." Tony smiled and Bucky continued, "You watched me get excited every morning but you never told me, why?"

"I didn't want you to know it was me. I thought It'd be easier if you thought it came from someone else. I didn't think you'd accept it from me and I wanted to keep making you happy. I know you think about the winter soldier a lot and I felt bad. I don't like the person I used to be, I don't like thinking about him. I know every thought that has gone through your head and I wanted to make you stop thinking about that, even if it was just for a little while."

Bucky smiled and pulled you into a hug, "Thank you."

Tony hugged him back, relaxing into his embrace, "You're welcome."

The blue-eyed man whispered into his ear, "Can I kiss you?"

Tony nodded and they shared a short, soft kiss.

"Why didn't we do that earlier?"

Bucky chuckled, "I don't know."

"We should do it more. A lot more. If you want, no pressure. I just thought since you kissed me first that you'd want to-"

Bucky kissed him again, harder, wrapping his hands around the shorter male's waist as they both melted into it. Tony's hands found their way up Bucky's shoulders and to the back of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer as their lips entangled themselves together.

Bucky pulled away, "We should do it a lot more."

Tony checked his watch, "I have time now."

Bucky smirked, "Me too, doll."

(: The End :)

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