(Spideypool) I can't do this anymore

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(: Requested: Spideypool angst! Fair warning, there is mention of attempted suicide. Other than that, this is just really sad and heartbreaking... but has a happy ending. Just keep that in mind and read at your own risk. Anywhore, I hope you like it! :)

***Trigger warning*** Mentions of attempted suicide ***

"Peter, I'm sorry. I don't know how to explain- I can't explain." Wade was looking down at their hands as he spoke, occasionally rubbing his thumb over the top of Peter's hand. "There are some things about me that I've lied to you about... That I've kept from you. It was always to keep you safe- or maybe to keep me safe from you leaving me..."

"What are you talking about?" Peter slid closer to Wade on the bench and leaned down to catch his gaze at the ground, "You won't even look at me. What's going on?"

Wade finally looked up into the hazel eyes he'd grown to love so much, and he finally said it, "I'm breaking up with you."

He watched as the life left Peter's eyes, saw the light in them diminish into nothing. Peter sat up and leaned back on the bench, "This is a horrible joke, Wade."

"I'm not joking. I wish I was, but-"

"We've been together since freshman year. It's the senior year, Wade. 4 years!"

"I can't risk you getting hurt because of me. I'm not right for you Pete! There are things I've lied to you about, things I've kept from you, things I can't tell you. I'm sorry... Petey, if I could do something to change this I would. But I can't change my choices in the past... I can't undo some things. I wish I could.." Peter was now fully sobbing into his hands. Wade saw his opportunity and stood up, "I will always love you. In another life- I don't know- but maybe we were meant to be? In this one, it's just... it's pretty impossible. I don't want you to waste your time with me when you could be finding somebody better. I..." Wade didn't finish, he just bit his tongue and walked away and out of Peter's life.

The first month Peter didn't even leave his room. His parents, Tony and Steve, were worried sick the first two weeks. That's when the team came together and started trying to get Peter out of his room at least once a day.

Tony would invite him down to his workshop and they'd create things together for hours on end, long into the night where Peter would get so delusionally tired he would actually laugh and have fun dancing around the lab singing. Steve would take him to the gym and they would spar for an hour or two. Loki, Pietro, and Clint would all play pranks with him on other members of the household. Bruce would let him sit around his lab and help him work. Thor tried to offer him advice, Asgardian advice somehow made a whole lot of sense to Peter, Nat would do yoga with him, and Wanda would make them tea and sit in the quiet/ calming room of the tower for hours. Sometimes they would talk, other times they wouldn't. Bucky gave him a notebook and a bunch of pens, on the inside he had written, Try to write it all out. Sort through it on paper, make it clear in the mind. I hope it works for you too. Let me know if I can help. And Peter started writing.

Months passed of the same thing every day; Peter would wake up from a dream involving Wade, he'd go to cry in the shower, throw on a hoodie and sweatpants, get on his things and go to school. School consisted of trying to keep his head low and go unnoticed by everyone, including his teachers. His grades were slipping, but they were still high for the average student, especially considering he was in all honors classes. Still, normally he'd care about having the highest GPA in the school, but not now, not anymore. What was the point? When he got home from school he would head straight to his room and lay on his bed until someone knocked on his door, offering to do something with him. It was a different person pretty much every day, and some days he would say yes, while other times he'd deny it.

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