(Hawksilver) Annoy me till I love you

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(: Please vote and follow me for updates on when the next part will be posted. If you have a request, please put it in the request book where it belongs. I hope you enjoy this! If you do, you should check out some of my other stories <3 Thank you! :)

!Request! Smut

Some people say kids are annoying, but no one ever says a grown-ass adult is annoying. Those people have obviously never met Clint Barton. Pietro and Clint got off on a strange foot. The white-haired male didn't like the fact that the archer had shocked his sister's brain during the whole Ultron fiasco, but they had an instant bond that even they couldn't misunderstand.

But God was Clint wearing him down. Every chance he got to corner Pietro he would. The elevator, the bathroom, the quinjet, an Avengers party they were required to attend, and literally everywhere else.

"Kid, hold the door!" Clint called from down the hall. Pietro held the elevator door open and Clint rushed in.

The doors shut and Pietro leaned his head back as the elevator began going down. About halfway down the elevator stopped. Friday informed them there was an error and Mr. Stark had been alerted. A few minutes later Tony was speaking over the speaker, "You broke my elevator, assholes."

Clint chuckled, "Can you fix it?"

"Yeah, just need...half an hour?"

"Half an hour!?" Pietro exclaimed.

"Tops." Tony responded, "I'll do my best!"

And then he was gone and they were left in the broken elevator alone. After a few minutes of silence, Clint pulled a pair of drumsticks out and started tapping them on the walls. Pietro ignored it for a minute until Clint started tapping louder.

He sighed, "Knock it off, Barton."

Clint started tapping the sticks on Pietro's arm

He repeated, "Knock it off, Barton."

He continued.

Pietro let out a puff of air and snatched the sticks away from him, "I said to knock it off."

"Give those back!" Clint tried to reach the sticks as Pietro held them in the air, but Pietro held them too far away. "Come on, Maximoff, I'll stop tapping you."

"You think it's just the tapping?" Pietro asked, making Clint shrug. "It's everything! You always corner me when you know I have nowhere to run to. In the elevator, or the bathroom, or the quinjet, or that party I was required to attend. Why do you do it?"

"Why do I do what?"

Is he playing stupid? Or is he actually stupid?

"Why do you annoy me!?" Pietro asked, backing Clint up against the wall of the elevator. "You drive me insane."

Clint smirked up at him and whispered seductively, "Because it's easy fun and I like watching you get all hot and bothered."

They didn't waste a second more as their lips crashed together. Clint's arms found their way to his waist as Pietro's moved to cup Clint's face as they kissed. Clint pushed him to the other side of the elevator as they kissed. Pietro pulled his shirt off as Clint slid Pietro's up enough to run his hands along the other male's abs.

Clint pulled away long enough to take the youngers shirt off and drop it to the floor before kissing down his neck.

Pietro pulled his head back by his hair, "Not here."

Clint whined into his neck, "Why not?"

"For one I don't want an audience and two this actually means something to me. I don't want a quick fuck in a broken elevator."

"You're welcome, Barton," Tony said before the elevator started moving again.

Clint smirked and pressed the button on his floor, "Then we won't do it in an elevator. Come to my room with me."

Pietro smiled and nodded before they each grabbed their shirts off the floor. Soon they were stumbling into Clint's room, their lips connected and their bodies pressed against each other. Clint locked the door behind them before pushing Pietro onto the bed.

"You're a virgin aren't you?"

Pietro rolled his eyes, sitting up on the edge of the bed, "I don't see how that matters, but... Yeah, I am."

"Let's just take it easy for now, okay?" Clint suggested, taking his place between Pietros legs.

Pietro nodded and Clint brushed the bangs out of his face before kissing his forehead. Pietro ran his hands along his waistband, "Let me pleasure you?"

Clint smirked, "Why don't we both please each other?"

Pietro gave him a questioning look and Clint climbed onto the bed, "Come climb on top of me."

Pietro went and straddled him, "Now?"

"Turn around so your back is facing me." Pietro did as he was told and Clint yanked his hips back so they were both face to face with each other's erections. "Ready?"

Pietro didn't respond as he took Clint's hard member out and gave a teasing lick. Clint shivered before taking Pietro's out and swirling his tongue around the tip. Pietro moaned quietly before they each took each other into their mouths.

Pietro warded off his orgasm as long as he could but still came before Clint did. Clint didn't stop sucking and teasing Pietro's member though. He waited until Pietro was close to cumming a second time before he finally let go into Pietro's mouth, moaning around the erection in his mouth, causing Pietro to cum again.

Pietro moved off of Clint after his high had calmed down, pulling his pants back up. Clint did the same and grabbed a few tissues, handing them to Pietro to wipe his mouth off. He got a bottle of pop out of the mini-fridge in his room and handed it to the smaller male.

They laid on the bed together and took turns siping on the pop in silence until Clint spoke, "That was great."

Pietro chuckled, "Yeah it was. Are you going to stop bothering me now?"

Clint smirked and took the pop from him, setting it on the table beside his bed, "Absolutely not."

Pietro rolled his eyes and pulled Clint into a kiss, "Good. It wouldn't be the same if you didn't."

Clint leaned in to kiss him again, only for Pietro to stop him, "Did you have the elevator purposefully break?"

Clint burst into laughter nodding his head, "Abso-fucking-lutely."

"I'll thank Stark later," Pietro grinned, pulling Clint closer and closing his eyes.

(: The End :)

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