Jesus Christ

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{Kaminari's pov}

"Thank Todoroki. You're honestly amazing." I say. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"That you're amazing?"

"No, 'Todoroki'." I responded to that with a snort. "Are we just gonna stand here or actually go explore the place?" Shinsou asks. Todoroki and I (yay proper grammar!) realize that we've been standing there while Shinsou was already ahead of us. We quickly ran to catch up with him.

After a while of looking around we found the perfect room to preform our "ritual". It was on the second floor, at the end of the hallway. Speaking of that hallway it looked like something out of scooby doo. Anyways, back on topic. The room seemed to be... oddly cleaner than the other rooms. Less cobwebs, less dust. Less, well, mess in general. If there were gonna be ghosts, they were gonna be here.

We set up the ouija and candles. Then we all sat in a circle. "Okay are you guys ready?" Shinsou said. Todoroki and I nodded, and we all placed our hands on the little triangle thing. (What is it even called again?). "Who wants to ask the first question?" Todoroki asks. "I vote Shinsou!" I say. Shinsou sighs, "alright fine, I'll ask the first question." He pauses for a moment to think of what to say. "Um, ok, uh... what's your name, uh ghost entity, if you're there." Suddenly the triangle move towards "yes" and we all start "freaking out". Though we all knew Todoroki moved it on purpose. "Okay seriously, Shinsou ask again. Todoroki, don't move it this time." I say. Todoroki and Shinsou nod in unison. "What's your name?" Shinsou asks, for the second time. This time, at first nothing happens . We all sit there. Until a candle blows out on its own and the triangle starts moving. It first moves to a "T". "Oh, shit! Todoroki are you moving it?" I say. "No, I'm not, are you?"

"I'm not! Shinsou?"

"I'm not moving the thing either."

Then it moves to an "O".

"Ok, To..." I say. It moves to a "G". And then moves to an "A". Before going back to its original position. "Toga?" Todoroki asks, to no one in particular. "Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to move," Shinsou says. "Kami ask the next question."

"Uh, okay. Ooh, I got a good one! Are you gonna hurt us?"

"Why would you ask it that? What if it says yes?"

Before Kaminari could respond the triangle moved to the "yes" option. "Okay... so hostile. Todoroki?"

"How did you die?" Todoroki asks. The triangle spells out "M-U-R-D-E-R". "Murder?" I repeat. "Who killed you?" Shinsou asks. It spelled out: "he goes by dabi you know him". "Wait, we know him?" Shinsou asks. "How do we know him?" I ask Toga. "He is the brother of the boy with half red and half white hair." It spells. Shinsou and I look over to Todoroki, who's eyes are wide open. "Which of my brothers?" He asks the ghost. It spells out "Touya". "But... I haven't seen Touya in years. And now I'm talking to the ghost of someone he murdered?"

"Why did he kill you?" Shinsou asks. "Because he didn't want to be a bad guy anymore."

"What do you mean by 'bad guy'?" I ask. "We were in a team of people who killed other people. But he didn't want to kill anymore, so when we were paired together for a mission he killed me and ran off." Toga responds.

Before Todoroki can ask another question, the board says "and now, I want revenge."

The candles all blow out at the same time.

"What is this? The haunted mansion ride at Disney world?" I yell in the darkness, trying to find my friends. I reach out my hand and grab on to who I think is Shinsou. Then reach my other hand to presumably Todoroki. Though for all I knew, one of my hands was holding the hand of a ghost, or a murderer, or something. That didn't matter now, however. As soon as I grabbed both hands, I bolted out of there, running through the darkness, a tight grip on both hands. I ran as fast as I could, and soon we were out of the building. I double checked to make sure I was with Shinsou and Todoroki. Once I saw both faces, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Jesus fucking Christ, let's never do that again." I say.

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