They were roomates

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{Todoroki's pov}

The three of us start walking down to where the haunted house was. I suggested that we take my car, but they said it was super close, like 4 minute walk max. So I agreed and we made our way over there. During the walk we were all getting super excited. If there was one- or well two things we could agree on, it's seven-eleven is the greatest gas station, and ghosts are real. Well I mean we also agreed on saying no to sleep, and quoting memes. So more like 4. Geez I feel like Kaminari. Anyways, we all believed in ghosts, and were definitely willing to screw around with them. Which is why currently we were making a pit stop at Kaminari's house. We were waiting outside while he was getting something inside. When the door to his house opened he showed us the ouija board. Immediately we got super excited, "AWESOME!" Shinsou shouted. "Yeah I've always wanted to use one of those." I say. "Yeah same, I got it at this garage sale last year and knew at some point we had to use it." And with that we were running to our destination. More excited than before. After like the fastest two minutes in the world of running from Kaminari's house to the haunted house. "Are you sure this is it it looks... so stereotypical" I say. "Yup this is it!" Kaminari looks over to me giving me a thumbs up. We opened the door and it made the creakiest noise ever. Like that would be the sound effect in a movie. It was really dusty and there were cobwebs everywhere. "Hey you know what I heard about this place?" Shinsou says. "No, what?" Denki asks. "I heard that the previous owners were roommates." Knowing the beauty of memes I say.
"Oh my god, they were roommates."

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