Chapter 10

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Fiddling on the wood table as i used my forearm to support my head slumping on the cafeteria's table. Drowning the noise around. Lizzie and MG are openly flirting in front of me when I saw Hope sitting at my side.

"Forgive me?" She asked while smiling.

"Hmm Let me think about it.." her smile automatically falters "just kidding .. " i said giggling.

She pushed my shoulders then said "You're the worst!"

"I'll forgive you if you forgive me on lashing out on you like that."

"Don't worry Jojo I understand.." She said. Landon arrived carrying a bunch of food on their tray and sat next to Hope. We were having lunch outside for I was still unable to tolerate the different sounds i could hear all in one inside the cafeteria. Its making my head pound painfully due to that overstimulation. I close my eyes relaxing my mind then sighed.


"Hey guys mind if we join you?" Wendy arrived with a tray on her hands. I was startled for they never tried sharing tables before. "Sure" i answered even in my shock state. She smiled then sat beside me, Jed followed sitting at the end of the table near his girlfriend. The others greet them giving them a warm welcome.

"Where's Jade?" Hope asked when she noticed the missing member of their group.

"Oh she just went inside the kitchen to get herself a bag. I'm texting her now informing her our location." Wendy said while fiddling on her phone. She look up and smiled "and there she is now." Signaling Jade to come over.

She seemed caught of guarded when she saw us in one table but immediately cover it up with a smile. "I wasn't informed that we're having a party here" she said teasingly when she got closer.

"You're not the only one.." I mumbled earning a glare from Hope. I cleared my throat before saying "common sit down. The more the merrier right?" I giggled awkwardly.

"Ahm.. thanks" then she settled next to Jo who still seemed out of it. I saw Jade glancing at my sister before turning to us "What's up with her?"

"She's having trouble in filtering noise and end up having massive headaches" i said while munching my sandwich. "Oh.." i heard her say as she scanned Josie's figure. I can't help but noticed how her eyes soften when it landed on my sister. I felt someone's gaze on me making me look at her direction. Wendy gave me eye signals by raising her brow then pointed her eye on Jade before smirking. That's when things cleared up on my head making my eyes wide in realization.

"I don't feel so good.." i heard Josie mumbled without looking up.

"Do you want to go to the clinic?" Hope asked while rubbing Josie's back. I didn't miss how Jade's eyes landed on Hope's hands, if looks could break hands. I'm gonna love this..

"I think I'm gonna throw up.." Josie mumbled again. She finally looked up and saw Wendy at my side then her gaze turned towards Jed and lastly Jade. Her eyes lingers a little on Jade before she withdraw them and slumping back down. Way to go sister i thought while rolling my eyes.

"Did you eat anything yet?" Jade asked Josie with evident concern in her voice.

"No..." she answered in a tiny voice.

"Then that's the problem.. here take my bag I'll just get another one in the kitchen" Jade said offering her bag of blood.

Josie slowly look up at her before asking "are you sure?"

"Yup.."  she put straw on the bag before handing it over to Josie "here.."

"Thank you .." as she held and drink the bag of blood.

Can't Stopحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن