Chapter 8

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I heavily sighed while walking away from the crowd and walked deeper in the woods. I saw a small clearing that exposes the moon brightly. I stopped at the center and breathe the cold fresh air then sat on the ground while looking up and drinking my booze. The loud music and chattering of people made my eardrums bleed I still have difficulty in filtering noise. Being a vampire, audio sensitivity is really a pain in the ass. "Jo?" I turned abruptly and saw Jade emerging from the dark part of the forest. Damn it. How could she be that attractive. Her red locks swayed with the wind, skin that almost glow with the moonlight, and eyes that could drown you. She's wearing a leather jacket with fitted white crop top exposing her perfect abs, a leather pants that mold her gorgeous butt and long legs, she matched it with knee high boots that completed her perfect look. "Not enjoying the party?" She asked with a small smile as she moved closer towards me. "Actually the noise is bursting my eardrums.. still find it difficult to filter noise" i answered then smiled. "Oh.." she look at me with sadness in her eyes but she immediately covered it up. "Ahmm mind if I join you then?" She asked while looking at the ground beside me."sure" i answered almost in whisper. Whenever she's near i feel my heart beating through my chest like there's no tomorrow. I tried to control myself cause I know she could hear it. I drink the contents of my cup trying to divert my attention to it. She sat beside me and i can feel her eyes searching and gazing. I turned to her and caught her staring. "What is it?" I asked. "Its just that.. I'm happy that you're finally back.." she said without diverting her gaze. Her eyes scanned my face till it drop at my neck where she bit me. Two holes are still visible, her gaze change from amazement to sadness and guilt. She hesitantly reached out to me almost brushing my neck when she stopped and put her hand at the side clenching the ground. "I'm sorry.. " she said suddenly while looking at the ground. I moved closer to her then face her. I reach out and cupped her face .. i almost withdraw my hands from the sudden electricity i felt when my skin touched hers. I know she felt it too for her breath hitched and she look at me with stunned face. "It's not your fault.. I chose to die.. in fact I should be the one apologizing, I gave you that burden and guilt when I was the one asking for my death.." i said as I caressed her face. I didn't know what i was thinking but I moved closer and hugged her, i felt her body stiffen and i could hear her heart pounding, i caged her in my arms then whispered "Thank you Jade.." later on I felt her arms moved holding me into place then she sighed. We remained in that position for seconds when i suddenly felt her finger tips tracing my neck softly to the spot of her marks. I suppressed my moan for I never thought how sensitive it was till she touched it. Then she suddenly pulled and position both my knees to her sides. If someone walked in at us they might really think we're having sex due to our intimate position. Me on top of her.. straddling her sexy body.. she draw me closer to her, pushing some of my hair aside exposing my neck , I automatically leaned at the side giving her full access. My heart is pounding loudly matching hers, I gasp when I felt her warm breath on my neck making the hairs of my skin stand, then i felt her lick my wounds.. i shivered and unable to suppress a moan.. i gripped her shoulders tightly then she kissed it softly. "There flawless as ever like nothing happened.." she said while smiling. I moved away and instantly touched the portion where her bite marks was. I gasp when I felt nothing but plain skin, no protrusion or rough edges. I turned to her in shock "How did.." "I fixed it..just like how you fixed me" she said cutting me off. A beautiful smile slowly spread on her lips and I returned it. I felt my heart is going to burst due to its fast beating. Then I remembered our intimate position. I quickly moved away from her. "Oops sorry-" "Jo-" we talked in unison when we heard someone calling her name. I should really get out of here to save ourselves from embarrassment and awkward explanations. She turned to the direction of the voice which gave me that opportunity to run away at a vampire speed. I never look back and stopped. I scolded myself for being so soft, for allowing myself to be swallowed into that painfully sweet sensation. I reminded myself that her heart now belongs to someone else.. she just felt guilty of what happened in the past and just returned the favor, nothing more. I sighed heavily. Stupid heart why don't you just remained dead.

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