Chapter 3

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All the spells she casted subsided. The fire died out and we can finally move. "She's gone.. I can't feel her anymore.." Lizzie said half-whispered then burst into tears. I saw Jade hugging Josie's lifeless body. " please wake up.. wake up.." i heard her whispered repeatedly as she buried her face on her chest. I ran towards them and saw also Professor Saltzman trying to move even when in pain. This can't be happening.. my heart grew heavier in every step I take. Jade slowly kneeled down taking Josie's body with her, never dared to let go. I held my breath and deafening silence reigned the room. Only the mournful cries was heard. My knees weakened as I saw her face.. it is pale and reflected hands are shaking as I reached on to her. Jade turned to me with so much pain in her eyes. I began to cry " I tried to- she wants me to- please bring her back.." she said with rumbled words as she cried in pain. Dr. Saltzman  is now in front of us, he touched her daughter's cold face "my baby... my poor poor baby..." he said half-whispered with straining voice. He took Joe's body in Jade's arms and cradled her as he cried in pain. Lizzie run towards them and hugged them both. We cried and mourned for the lost of a good sister, daughter and friend..


I didn't remember how I end up in bed as I cried all my heart out. I barely know Josie and yet I already felt excruciating pain. It felt like my heart was sliced into a million pieces. I never felt so heartbroken.. seeing her lifeless body makes me want to kill myself..I almost turned my humanity off once again but Hope reminded me who switch it back on ...that's the only remembrance I have of her, she saved me.. she gave me the opportunity to live again and I would treasure it for eternity. I closed my eyes trying to suppress the pain but all I could see is flashes of her pretty face .. her smile .. her eyes when she gaze upon me.. I always felt this certain pull towards her that I can't control.. and I admit I am attracted to her... now its to late to even let her know how I feel and sorry I was back then..

"Jade...Jade..." i heard soft whisper waking me up on my slumber. I opened my eyes trying to fixate my vision to the person hovering me. "Jade.." her soft voice seemed so familiar. I rubbed my eyes and gasp as I look at her face. "Josie.." i called her name then she smiled. Her eyes reflected life.. I slowly sat up as I stare at her pretty face. I was hesitant to reach out and held her face. "You're.. okay.." i said out of breath.. i could feel my heart pounding to my chest. "Why wouldn't I be.."she said then smiled. I slowly reach out to her.. i gently touch her hair then my hands moved to her face.. i can feel her warmth as she leaned on my hands..she closed her eyes for a moment then stared back at me giving me that sweet smile. My breath hitched just like that.. i never felt this strong emotions before, i scanned her face trying to memorize every detail that I can .. "It's time.." she said. "What do you mean.." i asked her while scrunching my brows. "It's time for you to wake up.." she said. "Wha-what?" I said out of confusion. Then i heard someone screaming my name "JADE!!!" I gasp and immediately sat up. "thank God!!! You're finally awake!! You had me so worried!" Wendy said as she hugged me tightly. My heart was beating fast as i tried to catch my breath "hey .. are you alright?" Wendy asked as she moved away and stared at my face. "It was just a dream huh.." i said with sadness in my voice then a jolt of pain stabbed my heart. She's really gone forever.. i began to cry again. "Oh.. Jade.." Wendy said before embracing me tightly. "I'm so sorry .." I couldn't stop my tears from falling. We stayed in that position for minutes when we heard a soft knock , Wendy signaled the person to come in. I saw Hope dressed in black as she slowly emerged from the door "Hey.. ahm its time..her ceremony will be held at the gardens near the lake.. Dr. Saltzman wanted it there cause its Josie's favorite spot in the campus... well other than the library  of course.."she smiled a little bit but i could hear her voice breaking down. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath "look..I know how she mean to you even in a short span of time.. and i know how hard it was for you especially when she chose you to perform a difficult task it means she trust you that much..but wherever she maybe now I'm sure she wanted us to smile instead of drowning ourselves in tears..." she heavily sighed. "Ahm.. thank you Hope.." i said sincerely and smiled. "Okay.. I'll wait for you guys outside as you get ready." Then she went out. I rubbed my eyes and gathered my remaining strength to move. "Are you sure you're alright with this? You can stay here if you want.. if its too hard for you.." Wendy said looking at me with concern. "no.. i have to face this... i have to say goodbye .." i said. Before this feelings could even grow It was easily shattered into million pieces. Someone up there must hate me so much.

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