Chapter 6

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I can hear the pounding of my chest, the sound of the wind brushing through the trees, the sound of the feet scrunching walking on the ground, the people laughing, talking and the movement of things. I can hear everything... i tried to open my eyes and saw 4 blurry figures hovering me.. i tried to move my arms and feet but it seemed too weak to even lift a finger.. i mumbled words instead of speaking, i felt my throat dry and this thirst is killing me.. i blinked my eyes again trying to get my visions clear then I saw 4 people I recognize with my whole life. "Hi baby.." she said almost in tears. "Mom... " i whispered. "Ho-how.." i mumbled and still confused. I sat upright and was stunned to how fast i moved. "What the-" i whispered. "Easy now .." Aunt Elena said with worry in her eyes. I smelled something that makes my mouth water.. i looked around and fixated my gaze on the ice bucket. They followed my gaze "yup better feed her before she lash out due to hunger" Uncle Damon said. My father reached the ice box and pick two packs of blood. I felt something unusual at my jaw, it was sharp and growing.. and my eyes as my visions fixated on the two bags of blood.. i gulped down that certain hunger and when he gave it to me in fast speed I grabbed the bags, ripped it and chugged it like there's no tomorrow. That's when my mind got clearer visions or rather memory.. I asked Jade to kill me and I died.. i gasp "wha-what is happening to me..." i said in whisper still struggling to use my words. I look down and saw my bloody hands and gown.. i stood up in haste then walked towards the mirror in panic and there I saw myself.. i gasp at my reflection. Shock.. the person staring back at me is changed.. my skin become glass white perfect, my eyes become light brown, my body feels perfect and sexier than i could remember and my hair is fuller, shinier and bouncy.. and the most important change that had draw to my conclusions is the fangs protruding on my lips.. "did I just.. turned into a vampire?" I said hesitantly looking towards the 4 adults of my life. My dad sighed then nod. "Your mother and with the help of your uncle and aunt we manage to draw the black magic in you then transferred it to another host.. since its already safe we turned you.." he said sadness was evident in his voice. And i on the other hand tried to grasp all that information. "So.. I'm a vampire now not a witch?" I asked scanning their faces. "You're a vampire and still a witch honey.. Lizzie did not absorb your powers.." My birth mom said. "Does this mean we're not gonna do the merging anymore?" I said with a hopeful voice."You are immortal now you cannot die even if Lizzie will take away your powers..except ofcourse someone will stab you a stick in your heart then thats a different matter.." Uncle Damon explained which gained dark gazes and warning from my mother and aunt. I sighed then sat on the chair near me. "Atleast that is a relief.. so I'm guessing you'll locke me here for a couple weeks or so ?" I said with sadness in my voice. "Just for a while till you get the hang of being a vampire and you can control your thirst for blood baby.. you're a newborn vampire your body will crave human blood first.. we still have to train you in drinking animal blood.." my mother said. " okay I understand..I don't want to hurt anybody.." i answered then flashes of Jade's face invaded my mind. I was out for seconds trying to make sense out of that visions when my dad draw my attention. "Honey are you alright?"he said looking at me with concern in his eyes. I tried to smile at him and answered "yes.. sorry i just remembered something.."


Dr. Saltzman called an assembly in the ballroom. This must be important for every students in the campus and teachers are obliged to attend. I was sitting at the back and saw Jade and Wendy leaning on the walls. Lizzie entered the room and seemed excited as she bounce walking towards the first row of chairs. "She's looking hyped for someone just lost her sister" I heard MJ commented as he sat beside me. I just shrugged in response not knowing what to say. I find it really hard to lie on his face so i just kept my mouth shut. Minutes later Dr. Saltzman walk on the podium making the four corners of the room quiet. I saw aunt Elena, Caroline and Uncle Damon at the foot of the Podium watching the students. Could it be..."Good morning everyone.. as you all know Jossette or rather Josie my daughter left us crying last monday as we held a ceremony for her.. till .. her mother Caroline along with our relatives decided to turn Josie into a vampire just like her mother and my bloodline.." hush murmurs and tones grew as students and teachers take the news. "I know that everyone here is afraid of a newborn vampire and its a bit alarming due to the history that we taught you .. but rest assured she's locked away for our safety  and properly trained. Her mother and my relatives are here to assure that.. She will assume her studies when she's ready and can now handle herself.. i know I'm asking you a bit much of a favor but please accept her like nothing has changed for i believe she is still the Josie you all knew.." i smiled and turned to MJ's shocked face. "That is why she's happy.." i said then winked at him as I walked back towards the hallway. I passed Jade and Wendy and nod at them but Jade seemed still unable to process the news. She just leaned there on the wall with eyes wide open and parted lips. "Told you you didn't do wrong" i said as i passed by while smirking. She quickly recovered and composed herself then said "well i be damned.. " while smirking. Happiness in her eyes are visible. Then I continued my way. See Josie a lot of people cared about you.. especially that hot vampire over there.. so be quick now and comeback to us.. i said in thought like she could actually hear me. This is indeed one of the best days of my life.

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