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Abhi: pragya.. Sign this..

Prags: what is this??

Abhi: it is nothing but u desperately wanted from me...

Prags: what??


Prags: are.. yo..u .. she stammered )

Abhi: what?? Im talking what u want to hear only..

Prags: i... ca..nt.. Under..stand...

Abhi: what u can't understand?? Haan.. I only can't understand u.. I thought u just kidding when yesterday u told that u r searching bride for me.. But u.. Yesterday night after u slept.. I used ur laptop to check out the mails for me.. That time only i knew that u were serious... How pragya?? How can u think of leaving me again?? U know how i became when u left me that day.. I became soulless body.. My soul entered me when i saw u that day again... I love you pragya.. But why can't you just be with me.. I don't know how to load some sense in ur little brain.. Im tired pragya.. I can't take it anymore.. I can't see u crying that too because of me.. If u want to leave me with that much desperate means.. Okay then.. Be happy.. I'll leave you...

Saying this he left...

Prags : abhi... Abhi..
Abhi please don't leave me.. I can't live without you.. Please abhi.. Yet i can't spoil ur family by entering into ur life.. U don't know abhi.. When i get this disease.. Im only 19 then.. I cried and cried over nights... I can't able to share my pain to anyone of my family.. Because they become fragile when they heard about that operation is must for me.. I smiled in front of them.. I make them smile.. I don't want to be a burden for them.. But I am already became burden.. My dad is not a rich one.. But he spent lakhs for me... That day i pledged myself to not marry anyone and became a burden for that person too.. Im a doctor.. I know about hereditary diseases.. This is a hereditary disease.. It will come to our children with 90 % possibilities.. I don't want our children sufferings.. I cant tolerate it.. I love you abhi.. Bt i cant live with you.. I think u take best decision.. I sign this first...

She signed that...

Here abhi didn't move.. He heard every blabbering of pragya hiding behind the door.. He cried his heart out...

He to himself: no pragya.. U can't leave me that easily.. Now i understand what's ur prob.. I'll make u mine sure.. Let's watch.. Who will win.. And be ready to face thunderstorms pragya..

He went to maya room and called ajju and mohan to join them.. They all r in one room.. Abhi told his plan to everyone.. They all agreed.. That day they have to return to home... They packed their stuffs and drove back to home... Prags didn't talk with abhi nor he... The whole journey was filled with silence... They reached home in afternoon...

In abhigya's home...

Mohan: hey sweetheart.. Take maya with u... and megha.. Stay with them... We three will go and buy lunch for all.. Okay??

Prags: ok.. Come princess...

They three wemt went to room.. Here mohan abhi amd ajju went to buy lunch..

In car...

Ajju: buddy... Tell me what's next??

Abhi: yeah.. Now we have execute everything.. Eventually she will confess me soon..

weird marriage ☑completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें