"But I never did," Draco said. "After we talked, I had planned to run away with you. I didn't know that they would try to use it on their own. That's why I ran to Dumbledore's office tonight. I was going to warn you both."

"Why didn't you just tell me before?"

"I didn't think I was going to go through with it! Also, I was a coward. I didn't want you to look at me differently."

Harry intertwined their fingers. "It's okay. I understand."

"Do you?" Draco looked over at him. "You don't seem okay."

"I'm just trying to process everything that happened. Did you know that Snape was going to kill him instead?"

"I talked to him a few days ago and told him that I wasn't going to do the task. And since he has an unbreakable vow with my mother to keep my safe, I asked him if he would have to do it instead. He never answered me but I never thought he would actually go through with it."

Harry nodded. They stopped at the top of the hill where they could see in the distance lights and a crowd of people outside. They both knew who they were crowded around. Harry wasn't sure if he was ready to see Dumbledore yet. To see his body would be to admit that he was gone for good.

"Harry?" Draco lifted his chin up with his fingers. "What do you want to do?"

"Can we just sit here for a minute?" Harry asked. "I don't think I'm ready to face all this yet."

Draco nodded and pulled them down to sit on the grass. They laid on their backs and Draco held Harry to his chest. Harry was reminded of when they first started dating, where they would sneak out and be together under the stars. Everything was simpler back then. At least it had been for Harry. Harry had been blissfully unaware and when they were together, Draco could pretend that everything was okay. Harry was just thankful that they still had each other.


Draco was reluctant to leave Harry's side but he had to talk to his friends and Draco had to make sure Blaise was all right. They were going to meet up at the Astronomy Tower afterward. Most of the students were out of bed, so it didn't take long for Draco to find Blaise. When Blaise saw him, he pulled Draco into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank Merlin you're still here," Blaise said, pulling back. "I was on my way to the Room of Requirement when I saw Bellatrix, Greyback and a few other Deatheaters roaming the corridors. Not knowing what else to do, I went and told Snape. Then I heard what happened...I feel like such an idiot. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I don't think anyone expected Snape would kill Dumbledore."

"I'm just glad you didn't have to do it."

"Me too."

They started walking toward the Slytherin common room.

"How did you get away?"

Draco explained the story. How Snape and Harry had starting dueling and how Draco tricked his aunt into letting him go.

"I need to pack up my stuff and I'm meeting up with Harry so we can leave tonight."

"Have you thought this through, though?" Blaise asked. "What about your family?"

Draco gave him a look. "My family has never looked out for me. Why should I?"

"If you leave, there's no going back. If the Dark Lord sees you again, he'll most likely kill you."

"I already failed at my task. As far as I'm concerned, I'm already a dead man walking."

"I'm not trying to talk you out of this, but I just want you to be sure. You're taking a huge risk."

"I think it's about time I stop being a coward and start making my own decisions."

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