"Now class." Kumeron started to speak. "We will be taking any and all artifacts from here and studying them. If its shiny its probably valuable and after it has been properly categorized it is yours to do with,  if its magical, you are all experienced mages so I expected you to know what you are doing, in not than come me or Tolfdir. Now pair up in groups and dont be afraid to explore and have a little fun. And remember the only way to fail my class is by dying so... don't."

Kumeron clapped his hands and the mages dispersed into three groups of two.

"I'm going to the other end you stay here." Kumeron said to Tolfdir as he walked deeper into the tomb. 

"There shouldn't be anything down there except for the draugr right?" Kumeron asked as he quickly turned around. 

"I hired a Dawnguard Hunter earlier to clear it out this morning." Tolfdir reassured. "There should not be anything moving there except you." 

Kumeron nodded his head and then walked back deeper into the tomb. He passed through a broken wall and into a open room with draugr corpses littering the floor. He pushed passed the room and went further. 

The hallways were winding and long with more draugr corpses on the floor or hanging out of crevices in the walls. He walked to a open coffin in the center of a room with a large wall with dragon language on it. Kumeron looked at the wall with curiosity. He put his hands over the chiseled markings before moving to the coffin in the center. A draugr with heavy armor and a black horned helmet was sprawled on the inside as if somebody struck it down before it could get out. 

Kumeron looked back at all the dead draugr on the ground. "Effective aren't they?" He said to himself as he took a seat on the side of the coffin and looked around as he waited for his students to make it further in. He pulled a vial out of his belt. It was a honey colored liquid. Kumeron uncorked it and sipped from it.

He looked around the room once more as he saw Brelyna and Onmund enter. Kumeron quickly downed the rest of his drink.

"Find anything?" He asked. 

Onmund shook his head.

"Not yet." Brelyna said.

The two continued to look around the room. Onmund looked around the coffins that weren't open while Brelyna looked at the corpses.   

"Did anyone find anything yet?" Kumeron asked making idle conversation.

"Not really." Onmund said. "J'zargo did find some old scrolls but didn't pay much attention to them."

"His loss." Brelyna smirked. "There was still legible writings on them, so I took them."

"Do let me know what you find." Onmund said as he looked over at the dark elf.

"Do make sure you have it properly translated and written out." Kumeron said as he closed the conversation.

A few more mages walked in and started looking around followed by a few more then Tolfdir.

"A little while longer then we go back and you all can start you research." The old man said.

"I don't agree but I suppose. Lets finish gathering what you have then we go back." Kumeron said as he stood up and dusted off his robe as he waited for students to finish.

"Wasn't that orb in the lecture hall found here?" one mage asked. 

"Yes and its called the Eye of Magnus." Kumeron answered. "Just down that way you will see the platform and the pillars that held it there."

"Can we go see?" 

"I don't recommend that at the moment." Tolfdir said.

"Yes." Kumeron said as he then turned to Tolfdir. "Why don't you take the students back who want to leave and I'll take the rest to its resting site."

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