twenty five.

Mulai dari awal

"Listen to her guys. Think about what you are doing," Janson joined in, his eyes narrowing at them.

Rosa turned her head to see Newt place his hand on her shoulder, the two of them now being joined by their friends. "We're with you both," Newt smiled, Rosa would have seen through it like she usually would have. But it was a genuine smile, they were willing to die for what they believe in.

"No," Teresa cried to herself.

"Don't," Ava's eyes widened.

"Do it, Thomas."

"Rosa, push the button."

"I'm ready."

The support from her fellow Gladers gave her everything she needed, her eyes met Thomas' and they both nodded, not needed to say any words. It was clear that they trusted each other, it was clear that they needed each other. But it was even more clear that they loved each other.

"I'm not going back there," Thomas muttered to himself, "We aren't going back there."

"Rosa?" her mother asked, not believing that she would actually do it.

"It's the only way," she replied with no more fear in her chest, it was full of peace and acceptance.

"Rosa!" her mother screamed just as she was about to push the button, her thumb hovering over the red detonator. But a loud honk interrupted them, a car drifting into view. The truck drove through recklessly, hitting over cans, metal and tents, about to hit WICKED soldiers. The truck collided with a helicopter that had landed about half an hour ago, scaring everyone.

The blades of the aircraft went flying, almost hitting anyone in its path. They all ducked, thanks to Thomas shoving them aside just in time. "Get Rosa!" Ava shouted as she was pulled by her guards.

Hands tightened behind Rosa's frame as she was picked up, still confused and dazed thanks to the helicopter collision. She shoved her head back into the soldier, making him let her go. Thomas pulled him away from his girlfriend and shoved him aside, his head making a thud on a parked vehicle.

She nodded to him and they both jumped up, Thomas aimed his explosive at a group of their attackers and pressed the button, causing a loud explosion. Rosa did the same behind them, everyone ducking to avoid getting hit by any shrapnel.

Rosa looked up to see Janson hit Thomas across the face and stand over him, his gun directed at her boyfriend's head. Her heart stopped. It only started to beat once more when a gunshot ripped through Janson's shoulder and sent him on his back with a cry of pain. Thomas and Rosa turned to see Brenda grin to herself from behind a sniper rifle, sending them a small wave before going back to shooting down their attackers.

They jumped up, running to one another before picking up guns from the sand. They silently aimed them at anyone they could see and firing, helping out as many Right Arm members as they could.

Vince had managed to make his way to his machine gun, firing at helicopters and soldiers alike. A loud scream emitting from his lips with euphoria.

Thomas and Rosa chucked their guns aside once they ran out of bullets and ran, passing Minho as he fired a rifle from behind an oil can, "Get out of here, go!"

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang