Best Friends | 3

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nick name
a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name.
He called her by her nick name.


the two boys were sitting by a tree that they always go to at lunch time. Yamaguchi opened his bag and took two sandwiches, giving one to Tsukishima.

the blonde male was shocked and shook his head, he didn't want Yamaguchi to get hungry afterwards. "Take it, it's a thank you gift for taking care of me when I was sick, Tsukki." he said with a blinding smile that caused Tsukishima's cheeks to get a scarlet dust.

Tsukki. Yamaguchi has been calling him that for about 3 years now. Tsukishima still remember how it started.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were at the library, studying for their test. Tsukishima noticed that his best friend was quiet, how he normally is when he wants to say something but is too shy to do so.

"Yamaguchi, what's up?" he asked but the freckled boy just quickly shook his head. Tsukishima frowned, he didn't like it when Yamaguchi won't open up to him. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Yamaguchi stared at Tsukishima's golden eyes before smiling. "Tsukishima, you know how your name means moon island?" the blonde nodded, a little confused as to why Yamaguchi is talking about that.

"well, I was thinking how it's kind of funny, cause you remind me of the moon as well. in the night sky, the moon shines along with stars, but the stars can never outshine the moon. it's special, just like you. there's a lot of people in this world, just like stars, but you're special, you're the only one that's always there for me and didn't judge me from the very start. that's why from now on, I'm calling you Tsukki, cause you're my only moon!" Yamaguchi gave Tsukishima his signature smile while having a bit of a red tint on his cheeks

Tsukishima felt his cheeks heat up as well. he didn't know what to say

"Tsukki!" the blonde was shaken back to reality by his best friend. "I've been trying to tell you something for the past 5 minutes, and you're not even listening, what are you thinking about?"

Tsukishima gave his best friend a smile before adjusting his sitting position to face Yamaguchi. "Tadashi, do you remember the day you started calling me Tsukki?" Yamaguchi's eyes seemed to twinkle as he laughed a little and nodded.

"well, I think you were a little wrong about something. I am the moon, right?" Yamaguchi nodded again. "but the stars aren't other people, the stars represents you. without the stars, the moon would feel very lonely, don't you think? that's how I felt before I met you, I felt lonely. without the stars, the moon wouldn't be special. without the stars, the moon can't shine as bright. just like me, I was nothing until you came along."

Yamaguchi's mouth was wide open. he's been friends with this boy for about 7 years and he's never heard such a sweet thing from him. "Tsukki, I-" he tried to say something but he ended up bursting to tears. he was really happy, only Tsukishima has made him feel so important, so special.

Tsukishima pulled him into a hug and rubbed circles on his lower back. "I'm very lucky to have met you, my star."


this hits-

also what we feel about a Matsuhana fic? it'll be a texting fic, but I need your thoughts on it!


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