part 18

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Akane's pov

I woke up as the light from the window hit my eye. Wait a minute... There's light coming out from the window!

I jumped out of the very uncomfortable makeshift futon I made and kicked the cabin door open.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Yagura-sama wasn't lying. Today was Sunday and i couldn't spit a single shadow creature and the sun was shining brightly.

I couldn't help myself, I unconsciously started eating as much of the light as I could. It tasted absolutely delicious, maybe it was due to my hunger for it.

I sighed: 'Now's not the time to be eating Akane! I need to find that spot to meditate to strengthen my chakra reserves' i thought to myself. I looked around and stopped when I saw a quartz tempel.

There was a yin/yang symbol placed on the enormous door.

I was somehow drawn to it, so I guessed that must be the meditation space, it was a good distance away but nothing I can't handle.

I took Hikaru no Yuki and set my pace towards it. 'I wonder what the rest are doing?' I asked myself.

Naruto's pov

' i want some ramen' i groaned as I woke up, maaann all I want is some ramen right now.

I took my orange jumpsuit and wrapped it around my naked torso, I opened the door and gaped at what I saw.

'Huuuh!?, holy crap where am I' i asked loudly. There was no way in hell this place was the forest of flames, everything was so green and lushy!

There were no flame monster creature things and nothing was burnt or on fire. 'Wait a's Sunday!' I thought, man the mizukage did say the forests would change but i didn't think it would be this much!

The forest changed from literally looking like hell to heaven, i smiled brightly as i looked around. So what was i supposed to find again? Oh yeah! A place to meditate.

I looked around and saw a temple it was huuuuge and had a circle symbol on it. I think it was the yin/yang symbol but I'm not too sure.

'Well, I better go! It is kinda far...' on that note I started walking towards it.
'Hmm...are the rest also okay? They better be! Who else am i supposed to eat ramen with?

Sakura's pov

'Woah I take back what I said, this place is amazing' i picked up another herb from the ground. These herbs are especially rare and this forest seemed full of them!

The forest did change a lot, the earth seemed fertile and moist, the direct opposite of what it was yesterday.

Everything was also more lush and green and there were no creatures hunting me down. After i woke up i did some exploring, I saw a temple and I'm planning on going there immediately after i grab a few more of these herbs.

After I finished plucking and storing them, I began walking towards the
beautiful temple. It was quite modern looking from what I can see.

I wonder what it looks like from the inside.

'Hopefully, the rest of team 7 aren't wounded' i thought. Just the more reason to become a better medic-nin! So i can be more of use to them.

Sasuke's pov

I'm slightly surprised when the midget said that the forests will have a transformation, I didn't expect such a drastic change.

There was no much water or rain, the skies were clear and it was sunny as all hell. The best part was those stupid water bastards weren't attacking me either.

With my Sharingan, I was easily able to spot through the trees the temple where I'm supposed to do this chakra meditating shit.

Hn, I wonder how the baka and the girls are doing.

Tch, It's not my problem anyway.

Nobody's pov

And so the four shinobi walked towards the mysterious yet welcoming temples.

After maybe a couple of hours they finally one by one made it to their significant temple,

They were all made out of quartz and marble, with pillars in the corners of the gigantic space. It was quite different from anything they've ever seen, it was truly a sight to behold.

A scroll was placed neatly in the centres and they read them carefully, the instructions written were simple and easy to follow.

After different amounts of time for each shinobi they sat in the circle in the middel of the temple, with there legs crossed. They placed there hands against each other and focused.

They needed to distribute their chakra evenly across their body's, while doing that they must search for their chakra reserves: the essence of your chakra if you will.

Once it's reached they'll have to strenghten it, this process is the most difficult part. Not only will it strain them but they are certain...obstacles that can get in the way.

Secrets, fears but most importantly your inner self: the part of you you keep locked away. That you want no one else to see. That's the biggest obstacle when it comes to completing this process and why many who have tried failed.

This particular information didn't make team 7 disheartened at all, in fact they saw it as a challenge of some sorts.

Now there's only one thing left do to!

They each sat down and focused on evenly spreading their chakra.

'You must succeed' an uknown individual whispered to himself.

Another chapter down woooo!
Who could this uknown individual be?
And of course thank you for 966 reads. What the actual hell were almost at 1k and we got 31 votes too



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