part 12

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Akane's pov
I walk away from the door's ledge. damn it! How are we supposed to do this, none of us should die for some stupid riddle.

Sakura comes upstairs:'were you able to open a door too?' she asked. Weird, wasn't the staircase the other way?

Probably just my imagination, I nodded to her question:' sakura the ultimate sacrifice is-' 'I know' she responded seriously. We gave each other a knowing look.

'Come we need to tell them'. We walked down to the second floor, sakura looked slightly confused as we passed by the third floor.

'What is it, you look confused?' I asked. 'Its nothing, I just thought that the stairs was on the other side, probably just my imagination-'.

Weird I had the same thought just a second ago. 'I'm probably just a little tired'. We both saw Sasuke in front of a ledge. 'You know what it is right?' I asked stepping towards him. He looked over with his famous Uchiha neutral expression and nodded.

'I wonder if naruto was able to open
The door on the first floor' sakura said. 'I doubt it, that dobe's too stupid to solve a math problem'. 'Math? Mine had braille' I said.

'I also had a math problem although from the looks of it it was definitely more complex then Sasuke-Kun's'. 'So depending on the floor the harder it gets?' I guessed. 'That is a plausible theory, let's go discuss it further with Naruto'.

We reached the first floor, thanks to the floor on this floor being made of glass we could see the ground floor, it was made of white marble.

There were no stairs to go there and it was completely empty. Naruto's door to our surprise was actually open.

He looked over at us: 'hey sis I don't get it why did the door open up to reveal this ledge' naruto said. Sakura explained instead of me'.

Great, we're all out of leads on what to do know, how the hell did we even get here in the first place?....maybe the answers can help us. ' what were the answers you guys typed in to open your doors?' I asked.

'What does it even matter' 'just answer the damn question'. 'Well, I typed in nine' naruto said. 'I typed in eight' Sasuke responded. 'Mine was six' sakura said. 'And mine was five'.

Hmmm...Come on Akane think! What's the pattern here! What connects!....nine, eight six and five what do they have in common. I got it! It doesn't have to do with the numbers themselves but also with the floors.

First of all the answers are all number related, there is also always a number that's higher and the one being lower. The higher the floor the lower the number and when sakura came to get me the staircase!

I found it weird cause it seemed like it was at the other side of the room, sakura also noticed but thought it was imaginary how did we not notice!? So that means that the building is rotating.

I notice that there's a hand waving in my face:'earth to Akane' sakura said. I told them my theory, so to test it we took a kunai and laid it on the floor. We went a floor up and waited for a couple minutes.

When we came back like we guessed the kunai was on the other side.' I was right!' 'Yes but how are we supposed to solve this stupid riddle challenge without dying' 'maybe, It's a type of trick or mind game?' 'How so?' 'Maybe we need to jump off' sakura suggested.

We mulled it over, 'if we're gonna jump might as well do it from the highest floor' I broke the silence.

They looked confused:'if it's a courage test we need to do the most dangerous one', they gave me a 'you're fucked up in the head' stare but ended up agreeing with me.

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