Danse Avec Moi

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As soon as Luka got off the stage, I went up to him and complimented him and the band, telling him how good they were.

Luka and I then sat down on the foldable chairs and continued to chat. Nino then took over the DJ booth and began playing songs to which people danced to. As people danced, I began to take my camera out, hoping to snap a photo of everyone just having fun.

Nino then changed the song to a song that was perfect for dancing.

Luka, seeing me bobbing my head and to the beat and dancing a bit in my seat, knew that I wanted to dance.

"You know, if you wanna dance, you can dance with me." He gave me a smile.

"Yeah, no, I don't really dance."

I was about to take another photo when Luka stood up and blocked the view of the other's dancing. He then held out his hand causing me to look at him confused.

"Come on, let's dance." Luka pulled me to a space.

"No, I really don't know how to dance."

He grabbed my hands and placed it on his shoulders. Then, he placed his hands on my waist.

"It's fine, just move your feet to the beat. You don't have to have a whole choreo for the song."

I began to do what he said, then taking me by surprise, he pulled me by my waist, making me closer to him. I looked up at him only to see him looking at me too.

The song then began to change to another song with a faster beat, but we didn't take notice of it as we stared at each other and continued to sway slowly to the song.

I was admiring the way his eyes looked with its blueness pulling me into somewhat like a trance. How his hair looked so messy but still managed to look so good on him. Then, I began to take notice of his lips which seemed so kissable at the moment. I looked back up at his eyes which then seemed to be looking down at my lips.

He began to lean forward, his gaze going back and forth from my eyes to my lips. I began to follow his actions. His face so close from mine, I could feel his breath. He stopped midway, as if asking me for permission.

As I was about to close the small gap between us, I was snapped away from the trance I was in, hearing my name being called.

Ohhh way to ruin the moment.

I snapped my gaze away from Luka, looking for the person calling for me. When I realised that it was my brother, I quickly placed a distance between Luka and I.

"Uhm... Did I interrupt something?" Matthieu asked Luka and I.

"N-no!" Luka and I both shouted, looking at anything else but at each other.

"Okay... Hey, I'm Matthieu, Angèle's brother."

"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Luka." He smiled at Matthieu, but began to feel more awkward, knowing that this was Angèle's brother and that not even a minute ago, he also kissed his sister.

"Sorry, but Ange," Matthieu looked at me. "Mom just texted me and said that she wants us home soon."

"Right, Uhm yeah, you go wait for me outside, I'll just say bye to some people."

Once he was out of sight, I took a deep breath and turned back to Luka.

"Sorry about uhm... That. Well, I guess I gotta go. I had a really lovely time this today, thank you." I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

I smiled into the hug and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, taking him by surprise.

Seeing the surprised look on his face, I quickly turned around and ran towards the exit of the houseboat.

Thinking about what just happened, I contemplated in my mind if what I was doing was okay or not.

I just met you yesterday but I can't help but think that I really like you. Is this even acceptable? Arrgghhh.

When I saw Matthieu just outside the houseboat, waiting for me, I couldn't help but think of what he's gonna think if I tell that I like a guy whom I just met yesterday.

As we began walking back home, Matthieu then confronted me.

"So, you and Luka? What's up with that?" he asked me.

"What do you mean what's up with that?"

"I mean, do you like him?"

"I-i, I don't know. I just met him yesterday and all." I looked down, afraid to see the look he's giving me.

"You know, I already told you that I don't care if you get a boyfriend... Or a girlfriend, you know that I'm accepting."

"Dude, I know, I just..."

"I trust your judgment. Honestly, between you and I, you're better with knowing at first hand who's good and who's not. And I can already tell that you know that he's not a bad guy. I mean, for him to catch your eye in just a day, damn, he must be that much of a pretty cool dude. "

I looked down, trying to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

" Hey," he stopped and stared at me in my eyes," like I said back at the airport, just be careful. Again, I trust you and your judgment, I'm not gonna come in between you and a guy that you like."

He hugged me, trying to accept the fact that his only sister is growing older now and he can't do anything to stop it.

I hugged him back, muttering a "thank you" to him.

"Now, come on, mom must be waiting for us already. Let's hurry up."

Once we got back to the house, mom asked us if we could help make something for dinner as a surprise for grand-mère.

We quickly got to work, taking out the ingredients we needed, cutting up the vegetables, putting food in the oven and the fridge.

Once we were done, it was just right on time for dinner, so we called grand-mère downstairs for the surprise. We dug in and began eating and soon enough, we were finished eating, left with a few leftovers.

We cleaned up and as soon as we were done, we went to do whatever. Matthieu and I quickly went up to our own rooms.

Dance With Me		* Luka Couffaine *Where stories live. Discover now