27 - Who's Out There?

Start from the beginning

Cani chuckled. 'All of us girls are engaged to him, so we're all in the couple category.'

The bird stared at them with open beak and Guy chuckled. 'What she said is true, but make it six normal tickets, as a way to sponsor the museum.'

The bird handed him their tickets and gestured at a photographer to the side. 'You can have a photo taken for the occasion with your fiancées.'

'Oh, fun!' said Cani, and pulled Guy along towards the stand. 'Come, girls.'

She moved Guy in front of the camera on one knee, and placed everyone around him while whispering in their ears.

Guy gazed at the camera while the photographer readied the shot. The bird looked up from his camera. 'Hold still.' he said, and the girls kissed Guy all at once before the shutter signal sounded.

Cani grinned while Mami and Ara laughed, and Feli, Avia, and Guy blushed at the photo displayed on the photographer's laptop, who sniggered while he sent it to the address Cani gave him and the printer produced a hard copy.

Tas looked at the cashier, then at Jae. 'So, we'll have to, you know?'

Jae fluttered her tail lightly and nodded quickly. 'Yes, to not raise suspicions.'

They bought their tickets, and were a little hesitant to have their photo taken when they noticed the gang smiling and glancing at them on the other side of the hall. Tas took a deep breath. 'I'd like to have a photo of just the two of us. As a team.' he said. 'All we have are our own or one of the entire department.'

Jae smiled a little. 'Yes, I think it's a good idea.' she said, and they went to the photo stand.

The girls giggled softly and pushed Guy towards the first part of the exhibition, depicting various forms of courting partners in different cultures. By the end of the tour, each of the gang had taken mental notes, and Jae and Tas had to take off their jackets to cool off a little from all the influences they were not trained to handle at their department.

'Time for something refreshing.' Feli said while she tried not to think of how one piece showed how many times her biological ancestors could do it in a day, and also explained a little private something about herself.

'There's another park nearby where we can enjoy some shade and probably find something cool to drink.' said Avia.

More people had the same idea, but they found an empty spot in the cool shade underneath one of the big trees and settled underneath it. Cani nudged Guy and gestured with her eyes towards Jae and Tas standing a little way off. 'I'll pick us up something to drink from the vendor,' she said. 'and offer them a place to sit with us since there's no space left.'

Guy stroked her ear. 'Subtle, obviously.'

She grinned. 'Of course. You know me.' She walked towards the vendor and his cart with a slight detour, and held her hand up in greeting as she approached their security escort. 'Hey! Fancy seeing you again.'

Jae and Tas gave her an awkward smile and greeted her back.

Cani gestured behind her. 'If you're looking to sit down and cool off, there's still some room over where we sit.'

Jae looked at the others, and gave Cani a nod. 'Ehm, thank you.'

'No problem.' said Cani, and headed over to the cart.

The rest of the gang greeted the pair innocently, and they sat down in the free spot next to them. 'So, what did you think of the exhibition?' asked Ara. 'I never thought some of the dances of your species could be so complicated.' She winked at Tas. 'Or was that dance yesterday enough of a courtship?'

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