Chapter 2: Coming Together

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(Y/N): "Sorry Peter. We're on a quest of our own and we haven't found what we're looking for here. As great as it has been traveling between Mistral and Atlas and with how everyone has treated us the last few months, we gotta push out of our comfort zone."

Peter: "I understand. Just know you guys will always have a home here if you ever decide to settle down somewhere."

(Y/N): "Thanks. It means a lot. We'll definitely try to visit next time we're passing through the area."

Peter: "Good luck out there boys."

Price: "Thanks Mayor!"

We climb back into the cab and take our usual seats.

(Y/N): "Here we go Price! Next Stop, Mistral!"

I give two blasts on Triple 7's whistle and accelerate the train westward. Price and I agreed that we would make a quick stop in Mistral for a restock on supplies and then continue west to the Kingdom of Vale.

Somewhere in a Vale Library.... 6 days ago.....

Callie's POV

I was sitting in a desk in the back corner of the library's archives. Being surrounded by the full bookshelves gave me the privacy that I needed when I was doing my research. Researching ancient history, finding treasures, and solving the mysteries of ancient Remnant has been a hobby of mine for the last few years ever since I read the story about the four maidens.

I continued reading the book I had sitting in front of me, taking down notes at the same time. It seemed that there were four relics that the two brothers gifted man kind: choice, knowledge, creation, and destruction.

The relic that caught my eye the most was the relic of knowledge. It appears to answer a certain amount of questions that user asks every specific period of time. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the endless possibilities that someone could use this relic if they were to ever find it. Clearly, it would be seriously bad news if used by the wrong hands.

I had been looking into the very existence of the relics as well as where to find them with not much luck. Nobody really knows about them or where they are. Even modern historians who are more knowledgeable about them than I am don't even believe they exist and write it off as basic mythology. I, however, believe they do exist. If I can perhaps find the relic of knowledge, maybe I can use it to help me track down the other three. I would go down in history as the greatest archaeologist in recent history! I pull out an audio recorder to document my findings.

Callie: "Callie's log. After doing some digging, I am still coming up with nothing on leads. However, I have a theory. If there are four kingdoms and four relics, maybe there is a connection. Maybe they have something to do with the Kingdom's themselves and more. The only question is where would each relic be hidden at. I want to focus on finding the relic of knowledge first, as I plan to hopefully use it to find the other relics if my theory is proven wrong. If my research has not failed me yet, finding just one of them may put me on the path to finding the locations of the other three."

I stop the recording and I make a call to my friend Jessica in Mistral. She's one of the kingdom's main historian's and she may be able to help me out in my search. I hit her contact info in my scroll and it rings.

Jessica: "Hey Callie! What's going on?"

Callie: "Oh you know, locking myself in the deepest parts of the closest library."

Jessica: "Yea that sounds about right. What can I do for ya?"

Callie: "I may have found myself a lead after doing some research here in Vale regarding the relics. I was wondering if we could meet somewhere to show you what I got. I'd send it all to your scroll but I feel it would be best if I showed you in person."

The Adventure Begins - (RWBY Male Reader Insert Volume 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن