“Noona, I’ll take care of Dara. I’m really sorry because I left her before, and I don’t want to make excuses, but I was in an accident when I couldn’t even remember. And then we went to America and suddenly all the pressure’s on me since abeoji died. I will always love Dara, Bom noona. You can count on that.” Jiyong solemnly promised.

A minute of silence passed before Bom stood up. All of them were dumbfounded, thinking that she will leave, but she suddenly pulled Jiyong into a headlock. “Tss. Arasso, Kwon! Just make sure that you won’t break your promise, okay?!” She turned to Dara. “Dara-yah, where’s the food?! I’m freaking starving!!!”

“Noona... Can’t... Breathe!!!” Jiyong stuttered, still pulled into a headlock.

Bom let him go and gave them a sheepish smile. “Oops, sorry, Ji.”



When Dara went to school the next morning, anyone can positively tell she was glowing. The older guard, Su Won, greeted her. “Good morning, Ms. Park. You look more beautiful today.” He amicably told her.

She smiled at him sweetly. “Thank you, Su Won ahjussi. Good morning, too!” She chirped back before she proceeded to their faculty room. The woman was almost bouncing out of happiness. Won Rae, the other guard, looked at Su Won.

“Ahjussi, Ms. Park’s really beautiful, neh?” His eyes lingered some more at Dara. “She looks like an angel...”

Su Won smacked the head of the younger guard. “Aigoo, just weeks ago you were gossiping about Ms. Park’s private life!”

The younger man could only bow his head in shame before following Park Sandara’s trail once again.


She opened their faculty door happily. “Good morning, everyone!” She greeted everyone cheerfully before settling down at her desk.

She was busy arranging her things when Minji suspiciously stared at her. “Unnie, just what exactly happened over the weekend?”

Dara tried to look inconspicuous, but there was no denying her bright smile. “What? Nothing happened, Minkki. You’re over-thinking.” After telling off her student teacher, she hummed softly while continuing to arrange her stuffs.

“Dara unnie, this isn’t nothing!” The maknae cried. “Something definitely happened that you’re not telling me.”

The older girl didn’t bother answering Minji’s questions. She knows herself that something feels different today: the sky seems bluer, the sun seems brighter, the road seems cleaner, everyone seems nicer, and everything was better than ever! Yet, she wasn’t ready to share that to her colleagues yet, since she knows that they will have a field day when they learn who Dara was dating.

“Did someone eat a happy meal?” Sohee asked sarcastically when she sat down behind her desk.

Strangers With Memories [DaraGon/NyongDal]Where stories live. Discover now