Chapter 10

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"HEY! What do you think you're doing?!"

The unexpected shouting stopped Kunto in her tracks. She skidded to a halt just as she reached the water's edge.

"What the...where are you...and...who are you?" Kunto asked, turning in circles as she scanned the area.

"Over here, kid," the voice answered.

Kunto looked straight ahead, and lying down in the shade of a tree on the opposite side of the pool was a lion.

"I . . . I didn't think lions actually liked the jungle," Kunto stammered.

"We don't," the lion snapped. "Now, why don't you come on over here so that I can clean you off. The last thing I need is for you to dirty my water."

"Your water?"

"Yes, my water. Got a problem with that?"

"...Nevermind. But, why would you clean me? You're a lion, and I'm a crocodile! Surely you would try to kill me and eat me, right?"

"I would, but I won't. I don't like crocodiles, neither as food nor as fellow predators, but a kid like you isn't worth my time. Besides, the only reason I would have for killing you right now is if you dirty my only water source. It's your choice, kid. Get cleaned by me, or be killed by me if you so much as dip one tiny claw in my water."

Kunto wasn't sure what was going on. This lion was making absolutely no sense to her, aside from the whole not wanting to dirty the water part. Kunto wanted to get clean, but she didn't want to die because of her need. So, she took up the lion's offer and walked over to him to get cleaned.

"So, you aren't going to kill me and eat me?" Kunto asked, hoping that the lion would keep his word.

"Like I said, killing you isn't worth it, so long as you don't dirty my water," the lion answered. "Also, reptiles are disgusting, and by that, I mean they taste absolutely terrible. The first time I ate a crocodile was the last time I will ever eat one. Trust me, your kind tastes worse than you look."

"Thanks, I guess."

When she got closer, Kunto was able to see what the lion actually looked like. He was large, as most male lions are, but other than that, he didn't seem like he was much of anything. At least, not anymore. His fur and mane were unkempt, his eyes dulled in color, and his once muscular, powerful build was less than impressive.

"You look like hell," Kunto commented.

"Astute observation, kid," the lion replied. He reached out his paw and dragged Kunto closer to his chest. Soon, he started cleaning her, his rough tongue gliding over her dirty scales.

"So, what happened to you?"

Kunto thought it awkward that she would start having a conversation with this strange lion, but she was unsure of how else she could deal with her unease.

"I mean, aren't lions supposed to live in a Pride out on the savanna or something?"

Of course, Kunto wasn't sure if the lion would be up for talking or . . .

"Most do," the lion spoke, surprising Kunto. "Not all."

"Oh. What about you, then? What's your story?"

"Depends on what you want to know."

"Well, you could start with all those questions I asked you, assuming you remember them."

"I may be a lion, kid, but I'm not stupid."

"I never said you were."

"Being a crocodile and all, you were most likely thinking it."

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