Chapter 23

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"Kunto, where are we going? You know mom said not to wander off again, right?"

"Technically, she told us not to go far. Besides, we're just going to Lake Matope. There are plenty of other animals there all the time, so if something was to happen, at least somebody would see something."

"Seriously? Have you not learned anything from the time you were gone?"

"I have, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop being me."

"I wish you would."

Once they reached the Lake, Kunto stopped beneath the shade of a patch of underbrush. She turned around to face Berko, who insisted on coming with her to make sure that she didn't get into any more trouble. At first, Kunto thought it was weird that Berko would choose to tag along with her on one of her little escapades instead of Mosi. However, she couldn't deny that Berko was just as adventurous and troublemaking as her, whereas Mosi prefers to stay out of harm's way as often as possible.

"You know, couldn't you at least try being a little nicer to me?" Kunto asked.

"Why should I? Dad's gone and mom's a mess because of you!" Berko pointed out, sounding more disappointed than angry.

"...I know. And, I'm sorry. I didn't realize my mistake until after everything happened. I just wanted dad to..."



"Yeah, I got that part, sis. But what about dad? What did you want dad to do?"

"No, Berko! Look!"

Kunto grabbed Berko and forced him to face what she was looking at. Outside of a gap in the underbrush, the young crocodiles could most of Lake Matope. Straight ahead of them, on the other side of the Lake, were four crocodiles. However, only one of them was worth Kunto's attention.

"No way..." Berko trailed, his eyes and jaws widening.

"Dad. It's dad! He's alive!" Kunto chirped as quietly as possible, bouncing up and down on her claws. Her entire body heated-up, without assistance from the sun, and tears burned the corners of her eyes.

Thank you, spirits! Thank you thank you thank you!

"Who are those crocodiles with him?" Berko asked. Kunto stopped bouncing and immediately became serious.

Whatever's going on, we need to help dad, now. But how?

After a few minutes of brainstorming, Kunto formulated a plan. Well, the first step to one that will, hopefully, pay off in the end.

"Berko, I have an idea..." Kunto started.

"Oh no," Berko interrupted. "You're not asking me to trust you, are you?"

"Yes, I am, and before you turn this into one of our silly sibling arguments, just remember that dad's life is on the line, and I don't believe that either of us wants to botch that up. Got it?"

"...What's the plan?"

"I need you to go get mom and Uncle Makuu. Get the floats, tell them what's going on, and then get back down here as quickly as possible."

"Yeah . . . can I just ask, why me?"

"Because you're faster than I am! Besides, I can't trust . . . I mean, I don't think that you would be able to keep them here if they decide to leave. I can't risk that!"

"Oh, so now you admit that I'm faster than you?"

"Just shut up and get going!"


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