Chapter 1

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The Pridelands. A place for all who respect the Circle of Life. A place of peace and safety. A place to raise a family.

"Get back over here, Berko! I haven't finished with you yet!"

"In your dreams, sis!"

Disturbed from sleep by the voices of his hatchlings, Kiburi unwelcomed the light of day as he awoke. He blinked his eyes at the sunlight that fell from the sky and scanned the area. No signs of unwelcome visitors.

The float slept along the bank and out of the way of Berko and Kunto playing in the water. Their brother, Mosi, was nowhere to be found. This worried Kiburi, so he woke up Zula, who was lying next to him.

"Err...what's the matter, Kiburi?" Zula murmured, barely awake.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Mosi is, would you?" Kiburi asked.

"Seriously? You know where he is. Unless, you don't want to remember."

"What do you mean by that?"

Zula huffed and rightened herself up so that her eyes could meet her mate's.

"Mosi spent the night over with Makuu," Zula reminded.

Kiburi immediately knew Zula was right. He was aware of where Mosi was all along; he just didn't want to think about who he was with.

"See, you do remember."

"Well, there's no need for you to rub it in," Kiburi responded gruffly.

"Honestly, Kiburi, we've been over this hundreds of times," Zula pleaded. "You have to let it go."

"But why does Mosi spend more time with Makuu? He isn't his father, I am!"

"Okay, Kiburi. We can talk about it, again, but first things first, you need to calm down."

Kiburi knew better than to argue with Zula in public. So, he calmed down, and after he did, the two of them went to some place a little more private to talk. They decided to do so in the Hatching Hollow.

"Alright, Kiburi, what is this really about?" Zula asked, getting straight to the point.

"I...well, it' father," Kiburi relented reluctantly.

"Oh. So, this is a family thing?"

Kiburi stared at his mate skeptically, then asked, "Why are you acting so calm about this?"

Zula looked like she was about to answer, but at the last second, didn't.

"What?" Kiburi pried. Zula still didn't say anything. Kiburi still didn't have an answer. "Zula, I know you have something to say, so just say it."

Then, Zula finally answered with, "Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?"

Overreacting?!, Kiburi thought. He couldn't believe that Zula was actually questioning him on this, especially since he knew as well as her that she understands him better than anyone else.

"What do you mean by 'overreacting'?" Kiburi asked, attempting to stay calm.

"Well, not necessarily overreacting, but rather being a tad paranoid," Zula corrected.


"So much for being calm."

"I am calm, Zula!"

"Then why are you yelling at me?"

"Because I...nevermind. And by the way, I am not paranoid. What gave you that idea?"

"Well, Makuu was..."

"Makuu? Oh, sure. Ha! Why am I not surprised? It always has to be Makuu, doesn't it?"


"Sure, we were once friends, but as soon as that damn secret got out, it all fell apart. Of course, his no good, arrogant, self-centered, prideful prick of a father was of absolutely no help, either."

"Makuu's father?"

"Yeah. Kellan. I have suffered more than enough torture on my part under that psychopath's claws, so I would much rather not talk about him, thank you very much."

Silence followed. It lasted for what felt like forever. Then, Zula moved forward and pressed her body against Kiburi's.

"Listen, Kiburi, I am sorry about what happened, but I don't believe that I'm the one you should be talking to about this. It's something you need to sort out with Makuu, for both your sakes."

Going to Makuu for help? Great.

Kiburi is not keen on the idea, but he knew that Zula had a point. He listened to his mate and left the wetlands, heading south towards Lake Matope.

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