Chapter 17

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It's been days, maybe even a week since Makuu returned to the Pridelands, and not of his own accord. He left the Pridelands in the first place in order to find Kiburi and Kunto. He swore to himself that he wouldn't return without them. Unfortunately, he encountered not only his father, but two of his distant relatives as well. Chibali and Kasim, brothers, and Kellan's cousins. Kiburi was with them, but they almost immediately separated: Kellan and Kiburi went one way, and Chibali and Kasim were tasked with escorting Makuu back to the Pridelands. Then one night, a strange monkey named Auni appeared and led Makuu the rest of the way, for he put Chibali and Kasim to sleep, temporarily speaking.

Disheartened, and unsure of what to do next, Makuu decided to head back to his float. Although, not immediately, for he didn't want to have to tell Zula about what happened. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Eventually, he forced himself to go back home. Any animal who saw him -- at least the ones who noticed that he was gone in the first place -- questioned the reason behind his sudden disappearance; he paid none of them any attention. He even refused to talk to his float when he returned, or the Guard or the Royals when they pushed for answers.

Today, on a bright, sunny day, the Guard was back. They stood in a semicircle around Makuu, who was lying in the shade of a tree, purposely keeping his distance from his float, including Masika.

"Come on, Makuu," Kion pleaded. "Just tell us what happened."

"We know you went in search of Kiburi and his daughter," Ono said.

"And by the way you're acting, clearly something bad happened," Fuli stated.

Of course something bad happened, you stupid cheetah! Makuu thought as he continued to partly ignore the Guard. Why else would I not be telling you? I don't know where either Kiburi or Kunto are, let alone if either of them are alive or not!

"Makuu, please, we just want to help," Kion continued to plead. He approached the crocodile leader and placed his paw on his shoulder.

"You can't keep giving us the cold shoulder forever, you know," Fuli pointed out.

Makuu considered his options.

Well, I guess the cheetah's right. I'll have to open up about it, eventually. But honestly, what's the point? It's not like we could track them or any . . .

Suddenly, a thought hit Makuu.

"Can't we get back to patrol now?" Bunga asked. "Makuu hasn't talked to anyone in forever! It's clear as day that today is gonna be no different than before."

"I think Little B's right, guys," Beshte said, then after seeing Kion's face added, "But, we can always come back again tomorrow. Or even later today!"

"I agree," Ono, well, agreed.

"Come, Kion," Fuli said, nudging the lion with her paw. "Let's go."

Kion didn't say anything. Makuu heard the lion sigh, then heard footsteps as the Guard began to take their leave.

"Wait," Makuu spoke up. The Guard stopped in their tracks and turned to look at him.

"Makuu? Are you finally ready to talk?" Kion asked, a hopeful smile forming on his face.

"I am. However, it's going to be a bit of a travelling story."

The Guard just looked at the crocodile, then at each other, confused.


"So then Auni, a monkey who seemed to know you even though you didn't know him, somehow put your father's cousins to sleep, and led you out of the jungle?"


"And then he said something, possibly about Kunto, that he said he shouldn't have said, and left?"

"He was definitely in quite the hurry to get out of there."

"I'd bet a bunch of grubs that he was hiding something important!"

"No kidding, honey badger. What was your first clue?"

On their journey to the jungle, Makuu told the Guard everything that happened, from: his days of fruitless searching, to finally finding Kiburi, -- as well as his father, Chibali and Kasim, and Talib -- to being escorted back to the Pridelands. By the time they spotted the jungle on the horizon, Makuu had concluded his retelling with Auni and what came after. To his surprise, the Guard didn't interrupt him; even Bunga and Ono kept their mouths shut. No comments. No questions. Nothing came out until the end.

"Okay, I get that it was a long story, but why did we need to walk all the way here just to hear it?" Fuli asked.

Makuu smirked. He didn't answer the question; he would let the kids figure it out for themselves.

"Wait, is this where Auni left you when you got out?" Kion said after about a minute or two of silence.

"Yes," Makuu replied. "And before you ask, I brought you along so that you can retrace his movements back to Chibali and Kasim. If we find them, we might be able to follow their trail back to Kellan and Kiburi."

"'We'?" Fuli questioned.

"Or I could go alone, if you would prefer that. I can follow tracks just fine, but scenting is nowhere near one of my specialties."

"Hold on a sec," Ono interrupted. "You want us to lead you all the way back to where, exactly?"

"Just to where I last saw Chibali and Kasim. You know, the same exact spot Auni showed up?"

"But, we don't know where that is."

Makuu stopped and stared at the egret.

You know, for a bird such as yourself, you're not all that bright.

Makuu would have voiced his thoughts, if only he had the time, which he didn't. Every minute he wasted, was another minute Kellan and Kiburi got further away.

"Of course I wouldn't expect you to know," Makuu explained. "I mean, Kion and Fuli will lead the way to where I first met Auni by following his scent. Afterward, I'll head back out on my own, following Chibali and Kasim's trail until I find Kiburi and my father . . . and Kunto, too, hopefully."

Just then, Makuu could sense an unwelcome presence. He kept as still as possible as he scanned the area. The Guard did the same, but unlike him, were more alert. They were set to attack or defend, except for Makuu; the crocodile was strictly in attack mode.

What is going on? Why am I feeling this way? I can't explain it. The feeling . . . it's like I've experienced this before . . . with somebody specific. Who, though?

Before they knew it, the animals got the answer to their current set of unspoken questions.

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