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"What the FUCK?!", Sophia scream at the top her lungs. She angry, mad, and so damn frustrated. How could this happen? why did this happen? "Sophia calm the fuck down will you?" her friend, kenzie told her."He was an asshole and we all knew it, hell, even YOU knew it" she stated.

kenzie was right, all the boys and LA high we're assholes. "I just can't fucking believe it! like i gave him everything, EVERYTHING!" she flopped onto the bed on her face. "was that not enough for at least him to stay?" she mumbled in the pillow. "aw sophia" lexi cooed "it's gonna be okay, i'll chop his dick off and we'll all be happy bad bitches like we are" she said innocently.

"That's tempting" she said while her eyes were in tears. "But I genuinely started to like the prick! He was actually really sweet guys, until hoe ass alexis burstow came in the fucking picture" she squirmed into kenzie's arms for comfort. "she isn't even all that, in fact most people think she looks like his cousin" kenzie said. "I heard that too!" lexi replied.

Sophia didn't care about that though.All she wanted for one of her relationships to last longer than 2 months. she's in her senior year and has gotten heartbroken by half the boys at her school. Like how is that even possible?! She thought this relationship was gonna work this time. That is until he got wasted at a party and cheated on her. He wasn't even the one who told her.

Emily came up to sophia at lunch pitying her on how she's sorry for what happened to her. Sophia was genuinely confused and didn't even know what she was talking about. She was beyond confused and asked emily why she was sorry in the first place. That was until emily spilled the beans on what happened at last friday's party in the bedroom.

It wasn't emily's fault, she didn't know that sophia had no clue, But she couldn't help but feel guilty that she had ruined a relationship. Sophia told her she was thankful that she told her and stormed up from the table all the way to a specific one.

Sophia wasn't very popular, but she was pretty well known. Her and her friends weren't very fond of sitting the "popular kids" so she only sat with them on tuesdays, wednesday, and friday's. She sat with her friends on Monday's, thursday's, and hangs out with them all weekend. Sometimes sophia and her boyfriend hung out over the weekend but she didn't want to come off as clingy.

But getting back to lunch, She strutted up to his table in anger, also managed to send a quick text to her friends that she was about to do something crazy. She got to the table with a smoothie she picked up from a kids lunch tray on the way their and immediately dumped the smoothie on his head before he could say anything.

In her mind she apologized to smoothie for wasting the drink and will make sure to also apologize to the kid she took it from. Kenzie and lexi ran into the cafeteria wondering what the fuck their best friend did this time. Hoping that it wasn't nothing too bad, they got to the table were that kids were surrounded by and pushed their way through.By the time they got to the front they led out a loud gasp at what they were seeing.

Sophia called him a strand on profanities that no guy ever wants to hear. Her two friends quickly drag sophia out of the cafeteria, to the parking lot. They got into the car in silence knowing that once they got to sophia's house she would be quick to let all her anger out. By the time they pulled up into the driveway sophia stormed out of the car getting her keys to open the door.

Sophias parents were barley home and always on business trips but the always made sure when they got home they would spend as much time as possible with sophias brother, joey and her.She stormed up the stairs to her room while her two friends stayed behind her casually whispering plans of what they can do to get back at the jerk for what he did.

That brings us into the present where sophia is moping in her room to her best friends in the world." Worst day of my life" sophia said. "I'm still in shock that you actually poured a smoothie on his head" lexi said trying to brighten the mood just a little bit. "I know right that's was such a good move" sophia said in confidence. "Look bitch you can either sit here and mope while eating ice cream and a dirty shirt that you haven't washed in a week, OR we can do whatever the fuck you want and show this bastard what he's missing and that he doubted your hot ass" sophia thought for a second. i mean ice cream does sound nice, but do i really wanna be a sad bitch instead of a bad bitch? NO!

"guys" sophia said lightly. "I think i have an idea on what we can do"sophia said with a smirk showing up on her face. Kenzie and lexi look at each other and look back at sophia. "It involves our Ex's"she says. "Get your cowboy hats ready girls, this is gonna be a long ride!"



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