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Me: "Hi!"
Me: Thanks!
Me: "For!"
Me: "READING!!!"
^~Ear rape

Me: "*Glares* You!" ^~Action while talking


|???'s POV|

Feeling consciousness coming back to me, I slowly opened my eyelids, but I quickly closed them as my eyes felt sore.

Rubbing my eyes, I opened them once more to see a rather different ceiling of my room from my memory.

Still groggy, I tossed and turned around my bed, even going as far as having my feet on the headboard, eventually, I was back to my original position. Deciding to finally wake up, I kicked away the sheet that remained on my leg and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Smacking my lips, I stretched my hands up as I would usually do and was relieved after hearing the satisfying pops.

I sat there for a moment, the world still a bit hazy to me, when suddenly, every. single. thing. replayed in my mind.

¦Flashback: Start¦

In my embrace was my adorable sister. To me, she was akin to a messiah, all her words are commands for me to fulfill.

All my life, I spent it all to make sure that she was happy, that she would never be in pain, but here she is, silently crying as to not catch the attention of evil men.

She was finally of age to get her own bank account, and she wanted to become independent, so we planned to go into a nearby bank to get her an account.

Sadly, we were unlucky as robbers wearing cliché ski-masks came right as we reached the line. Everyone inside were initially dazed, but once the realization donned onto us, panic ensued.

The robbers, were all men, and the person who seemed to be the leader raised -from what I could remember from movies- a AK-47. With a threatening voice, he bellowed,


Still in panic, some people didn't follow his command and remained standing as they pleaded for their lives. Unamused by the minority of the people who didn't follow his command, the leader gestured his minions, then, they pointed their guns at the people who are now frozen where they stand.

Leader R.: "What. Did. I. Fucking. Say?! Stay on the ground ya' fucking CUNTS!!"

Now having been ordered the second time, the people who were standing were now quivering while in a fetal position.

Not wanting to catch their attention, I pulled my sister's hood and used it to cover her head as I did the same with mine. Luckily, we both wore baggy jackets that hid our figures as I'm sure that that would steal their fancy.

With our head still on the ground, bearing through the uncomfortable feeling, I kept on hugging my sister while the robbers kept on shouting their demands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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