1: [Y/N] wants to be asked out!

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˙·٠•●♥ [ Chapter 1 ] ♥●•٠·˙

[Y/N] wants to be asked out!


[Y/N] [L/N], the vice-president of the science club. Her family is known all throughout Japan, a descendant from a well-respected family. As suitable for the [L/N]'s superior lineage, she has attained achievements in various fields which include arts, music, martial arts and many more. Her talents are like no other!

A talented young woman that earned her the title for vice-president.

Senku Ishigami, the president of the science club. As contrast to talented [Y/N], his dedication of studying and learning in the field of science commands awe and fear to anyone he meets. His vast knowledge is unparalleled!

This quickly earns him the title as president of the science club.

This famous duo is practically known throughout the school. They are rarely seen without the other. An inseparable power duo. Rumors say that these two students are in a secret romantic relationship.

But in truth, it was the complete opposite!

Neither each other try to show any kind of romantic intention. Nor dare to bring the topic of romance as it is deemed illogical as inspiring scientists!

As the nagging feeling of this 'illogical' love grows inside of them, this leads to both sides with a definite conclusion...

'I'll make him/her confess his/her love for me!!!'

Now in the science club room, two super high school-level mind students start strategizing on how to make the other confess. The other members of the club remain completely oblivious of the two.

"Oi. [L/N]."

[Y/N] turns around hearing Senku's voice. A small smile is plastered on her face. Anyone who comes across her will see this, it was seemingly permanent. "Yes, kaicho?"

A flask on his hand, he speaks, "There's been rumors going around that we're some couple. Can you believe that?"

He scoffs with a smirk, "The two of us engaging in such an illogical way. What morons."

'Morons really do enjoy talking about illogical love affairs.' Senku thinks, transferring a fluid in another flask.

'Although...' Senku diverts his eyes to a certain bow-tied haired girl in the room.

'If [L/N] demands me to go out with her, I suppose I can give her a chance!!!'

He smirks at her before putting his attention back to his work. 'I'm 10,000,000,000 percent sure she has feelings for me. It's only a matter of time before she confesses.'

'Even if the mere concept of 'love' is overrated, the thought of what [L/N] is hiding behind that exterior mask of hers is interesting. This is exhilarating.' Senku smirks behind your back.

"The most logical thing to do will be to ignore them, Ishigami-san." You said passing him a flask.

You turned your back from Senku a small smile on your face, 'Hah! Commoners sure enjoy their ignorant talk.'

'Who do they think I am? I am a descendant from the most respectable family in Japan. The nerve of them to reach a conclusion that I create a romantic relationship with a mere commoner.'

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