Eleven: Invitation

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"You're a natural!" Lily squealed, making a grin spread across my face. She was currently teaching me how to do my own makeup.

"Thanks, I know I am," I joked and brought my face closer to the mirror and turned it in different directions as I admired my work. Lily laughed as she handed me a black tube. I unscrewed the cap and pulled out a long wand that had bristles on one end that flared in various directions. The wand was coated in a black substance.

I gave Lily a puzzled look. "What is this?"

"That--" she took the tube from me. "--is mascara. It's for your eyelashes," she explained. She opened one of the drawers that were built into the vanity and rummaged through it. She took out another wand that was similar to the one that was in my hand. "Apply a generous coat --but not too much or else it'll look like spider legs." She showed me how to apply it and I watched her intently. She threw the wand away and handed me the bottle back and muttered a, "You try."

I dipped my wand into the liquid and proceeded to apply it onto my eyelashes. All was going well until a loud, ear piercing screech sounded from the other side of the door, making me flinch and rub the wand against my eyelid. Someone came bursting through the door, making both Lily and I snap our heads in the direction of the door.

A little boy, no older than seven ran towards Lily and wrapped his little arms around her leg.

"Niko!" At the sight of the little boy, a grin spread across Lily's lips. "What are you doing?" Lily ruffled the little boys red hair, making him giggle.

"Niko!" A woman walked into the room as she called for the boy. There was no doubt in my mind that she was Niko's mother. They had the same red hair and green eyes.

I grabbed a makeup removing wipe --that was full of makeup from my previous failures-- from the side and attempted to take off the mascara that was now decorating my work that I was so proud of. I made sure everything had a lid on before turning to face Lily and her little friend.

The woman looked alarmed once she realized whose room she was in. "I'm so sorry Miss Bloodmoon," she said in a panicked voice. She made her way over to Lily and Niko and gripped the little boys arm. "Niko ran in here. He doesn't want to take a bath."

I smiled at the woman and the irritation that was in her eyes. Behind all the irritation, was adoration. I could tell that no matter how upset she was with her child, she loved him dearly.

I secretly hoped to be like that one day.

"Don't worry about it. You can call me Norah," I told the woman, a sweet smile on my face.

Lily piped in, "This is Madelyn," she gestured towards the woman. "She's uncle Ace's mate." I nodded, recalling back to when I was introduced to Ace.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand for Madelyn to shake. Her hand was awfully smooth and skinny, making me feel as if I would break her fingers if I squeezed them too much.

"Call me Maddy," she smiled at me.

I squatted down to be able to speak with the child that was clinging to his mother's leg, hugging it tightly.

"Hi." My voice went up an octave.

Niko only turned his head away and clutched his mother's leg tighter. I frowned as my friendly approach failed to work. I wasn't the best with kids after all. I haven't dealt with many in my life time. "What's your name?" I tried again. I already knew what his name was, but this approach was to get him to talk.

Maddy gave Niko an encouraging nudge. "Say 'hi' sweetheart," she said softly.

Niko turned his head towards me. "Hi," he whispered. The word was barely audible; he was acting nothing like he had been acting when he stumbled into the room.

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