Grand Nothing

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As Gregor walked up the stairs to his apartment he passed a clock and noticed it was 7:45 PM. When he got closer to his floor he began to sweat nervously. There was no way he could convince his family to go back down to the rat-infested, war-torn looney bin that was The Underland. He needed to save Luxa, but at what cost? He'd need to think of a lie to get his family to come with him but he was never good at lying.

It was his mom he was most worried about. She'd never agree to go knowing that they were all just tools in a war. He himself hadn't been there long before he was thrown into a quick but bloody battle.

Gregor approached his door and was about to knock when a hand settled on his shoulder from behind. He turned around and was looking straight into the eyes of Ms. Cormaci. She was with a strange looking man as well.

"Oh, hi Ms. Cormaci," said Gregor. "Uh who is that?" He said gesturing to the man beside her.

"Hello Gregor. This is Samuel. He was in the Navy," she said.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Well I've gotta get go-" Gregor tried to get out.

"He's a fascinating man. Claims he saw some pretty interesting things in the service," she said.

"Like what?" Asked Gregor impatiently.

"Like Kings and Queens and insects the size of dogs, among other things," said Samuel. "It was a very booze filled time of my life and I was sure I had imagined it. But then the darling Ms. Cormaci here said she knew of a place with such things."

"Really?" Said Gregor weakly. "Why haven't you told us anything about that Ms. Cormaci?"

"Gregor sweety there's no need to cover this lie anymore. Samuel has been to the Underland. He knows all about it."

It was at this point that Gregor noticed the man's purple eyes and knew instantly that he was an Underlander. He might even be a spy trying to abduct his family. But who's side was he on?

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I have to go," said Gregor as he opened the door and went inside. As he was closing it he noticed Samuel quickly flashing a dagger to him without Ms. Cormaci noticing. It was the jewel studded dagger Solovet had given Gregor! He must have been one of Solovet's men. That meant he was dangerous.

Gregor didn't have any time to think before his mother was crushing his ribs with a bear hug. This was going to be hard.

"Gregor, sweety, where have you been?" She asked.

"I-" he began.

"Gregorrr!" Squealed his sweet little sister who ran up holding a purple marker. "This for you,"she said extending it to him.

"Wow. For me, Boots? You shouldn't have," he said, taking the marker and rolling it in his hands.

"Why?" Asked Boots quizzically.

"Because your brother prefers green," said his dad, rushing in.

"Just anything besides red," said Lizzy following their dad. "At least I think you've said that before.."

"Yep. Anything besides red," he said. Then he gulped. "I went to the Underland today."

"See Temp? You see Temp, Gregor?" Asked Boots. She always had a way of breaking the silence.

"No Temp, Boots. But I saw Luxa and she wasn't doing well and then she was abducted by a bat because I guess the humans and fliers aren't as close as they used to be and she needs our help and I think they're spying on us and they could be dangerous," Gregor blurted out.

Lizzie froze. Boots looked confused. His dad's mouth dropped open. But his mom was sympathetic.

"Now, now sweety. You don't really think they're spying on us do you? What could they gain by that?" Said his mom.

"Well maybe not 'spy' on us but one Underlander was with Ms. Cormaci and he just flashed me his dagger. Which was Solovet's!" Said Gregor urgently.

"Oh dear.." said Gregor's dad.

Just then there was a scream from the hallway. It was Ms. Cormaci! They sped out into the hall and saw nothing but a note.

Gregor's family was speaking but he heard nothing as he picked up the note and read it. It said, simply, "Bring your family to Regalia for the sake of Dear Ms. Cormaci. Don't be long."

Gregor felt hollow as he stopped his mother from dialing 911. "We're going down there. Now," he said.

Gregor instructed them to find flashlights and told his dad to get a weapon. Anything. And within minutes they were on their way to Central Park. Gregor was beginning to get annoyed that the people he cared about most were getting abducted. And here he was bringing his whole family into the Underland. But it was just like his grandma said: you can run from your problems but they will always find you, always.

They got to the park and it was dark out. Gregor retrieved his weapons and down into the entrance they went. His family clicked on their flashlights and he lead the way. But wait. Where was he going? If he wanted to save Luxa he'd have to go to the camp. If he wanted to save Ms. Cormaci he'd have to go to Regalia. He was deep in thought when a flier swooped down and landed right in front of them. Gregor had his sword drawn in moments.

"Greetings. I am she called Tulip and I am here for your ease of mind," said the bat.

"Ease of mind, huh?" Said Gregor.

"Yes. As you may have heard there is a new prophecy, of which you are of great importance. I was called upon to serve your every need and help you fulfill the prophecy."

"This prophecy," said Gregor's dad. "What is it about?"

"The deceit of the humans. The role of the gnawers to lead the way into the future. And," said Tulip. "The death of the warrior."

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