The Vice and the Grip

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Gregor stood poised at attention, like a warrior should. He probably had a hardened look on his face like he should, but his gut was jumping around in his skin. His tangled web of a mind was weakened by the burden of unknowing. There's danger everywhere and things were different now, it was a free for all.

His blood was in a cycle of of boiling then simmering then falling completely still, then boiling again. His eyes flickered over the dead bodies floating by, without consideration. He was weak, because he had jumped right into the trap and couldn't fight his way out. Nevermind thinking his way out.

The soiled feeling of doom and disgrace was settling over him when Boots began to drum on his leg. "Hey you! I needs a help!"

Gregor stood motionless, except his eyes which dragged their gaze down to Boots, "Helps withs what?"

"My shoe!" And indeed, her shoe was undone and could pose a possible tripping hazard. Wouldn't want that.

"I can help you with that but I needs helps too," Gregor said getting down on one knee and tying her little shoe. "I need you to tell mom, dad and Lizzie that story about the frog you found in the pond that one time. I think they'll like that."

Boots gasped and a big smile took hold of her face, she tried to run off and tell them the story without Gregor finishing her shoe. Then she hopped from foot to foot and stomped in circles while telling her crazy, funny and silly story.

Gregor straightened up his legs and stood tall. He had grown since his first visit to the underland. He turned to Dexter who was strangely quiet and watching.

Gregor walked over and said to him," it's nighttime where we live and we're tired. We're staying the night here before moving on." He didn't think he could sleep but he wanted to talk to his family and rest before making any hasty decisions. It was the least he could do for them.

"Gregor," said Dexter. "You handle yourself well and you carry that confidence with you. You can fight, that is. But the longer we stay, the longer we risk dehydration. It is of the utmost importance that we move on and gather more supplies and drinkable water. I know of a place nearby."

"Nearby, nearby?" said Gregor plainly. "Or a days journey? How will we get there?"

"A days journey by walking, but you have a bat. You and I will travel to a land of neutral Spinners and take as much supplies as possible back with us. Mostly water and clothes."

Gregor stammered, but before he could answer Dexter spoke again,"Yes, we'd be leaving your family in my men's care, but Gregor they will be safe."

Gregor considered it. "And what do we have to trade to with the  spiders? Nothing I can see."

"We have.. information that I'm sure would be most invaluable. We are sure to get what we need to rescue Luxa and move on," said Dexter with sledgehammer like confidence.

"My family must be taken care of. They need food and what water you have."

"We shan't be gone long. We could leave now."

Gregor looked over to Boots who had apparently introduced herself and the rest of the to the cockroaches nearby. The roaches bowed and weaved between his fathers' and mothers' legs in order to get closer to Boots, the princess. They looked cozy.

"Let's go now, before they notice," said Gregor.

And they boarded tulip. Gregor in back and Dexter in front so he could lead and give directions. They moved with speed and arrived in a half an hour.

After dismounting, they stood, all three of them until a single spider separated from the evil looking cluster to speak quietly with them.

Dexter took the lead, speaking simply and without offending. The spider directed Gregor to stay with the bat and he did as he was told. The spider and the human walked off toward privacy.

Time passed with no movement whatsoever. Gregor began to walk in circles, feeling the predatorial arachnid eyes upon him. Many layers of spider memories began to flood Gregor's mind. Like the fear and revulsion of them as a child, and the violent memories he had gathered in the underland. He did not like the spiders and he did not like the amount of time this was taking.

"Interesting," Tulip muttered.

"Huh?" Gregor burst out, desperate for a distraction.

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt your thinking?" Said Tulip politely.

"No, you.. nevermind." Said Gregor with a huff and sitting down on a rock.

Time passed. There was no movement, and then Dexter strolled through the webs alone, a slight smile on his face.

"They will be bringing us what we need, and then we can leave," he said.

It was quite an entrance. The mystery, the loneliness and the suspense had Gregor by the throat, and here was Dexter just strolling out like he owned the place.. but Gregor wouldn't play along.


Tulip was huffing hard as they made their way back, weighed down by hundreds of pounds of water and clothing and humans. "I am unable to continue for the moment. I must rest," the bat puffed out.

They coasted to a landing and Tulip said as they touched down, "this stink will conceal us but it may make enemies detection difficult as well."

"Are we in the deadlands?" Asked Gregor stretching his legs dutifully. "Or like have we veered off our route or something? I don't remember smelling this on the way in."

"We are not lost." Said Tulip

"Then who is?" Came a voice from the dark.

All heads snapped to attention at the mouth of a cave. It looked man-made. Like the details had been chipped out of the fragile stone. Little carvings of rats and humans and bats all together, dancing around.

Out came a very large rat with gray and gold speckled fur and a single white spot on the tip of his ear. "Am I lost? I thought this was my home and yet there are humans at my front door."

"And I," said Tulip.

The rat squinted and then his face broke into a ferocious smile. "Tulip, my old friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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