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Gregor sat in his small room. He should have felt relief knowing that he'd never have to return to the land below. Something wasn't right though. As if by closing the door on the Underland he had closed the door on a more intimate part of himself. He didn't have to puzzle long before figuring that he sorely missed Luxa. She was after all the Queen of His Heart. And she'd be at the entrance in central park at four!

Gregor checked the time and saw he didn't have a moment to spare. He was going back to the Underland. And actually, things might work out better this way. He did not want his family getting hurt so therefore them not knowing that he was going back there was essential. Otherwise they'd come as well.

Gregor put on a jacket and made his way to the living room to leave but then his father was standing there. 

"Gregor. I don't want you doing anything we'll all regret. And I know how deeply you care for us, so I'm trusting you not to go back down there without telling your mother or I," said his dad. Then without waiting for an answer he locked Gregor in an embrace and held him for a few seconds. "I'll tell your mother you're going out for a walk. Be back by eight, tonight."

"Okay, dad," said Gregor avoiding his eyes. 

Boy he sure had a lot to think about. First he almost lost it at the idea of going back there, then he desperately wanted to go back, and then his father gave him that weird speech. Gregor decided that he would just visit Luxa and then come home. That way no one would get hurt, emotionally or physically. Maybe they could plan more time for future visits between Gregor and Luxa. 

Gregor made great time and arrived at the park around 3:45 pm. He moved the slab and dropped below, being sure to conceal the entrance afterward. Whoops. He had forgotten a flashlight. While wondering if his echolocation maybe had gotten a little shabby he let out a small click with his tongue. In his mind the whole area lit up and he noticed something on the ground. It looked like a body. Gregor approached tentatively and laid a hand on the figure on the floor. 

It was warm. That was a good sign. Gregor realized he was touching the body of a female. Instantly embarrassed he pulled his hand away and used his voice. "Hey, are you alright?" 

No response.

Panic began to set in. Was this Luxa? Did she come here to meet him and get attacked by somebody or something?

"Boy.." Came a voice from the loom.

Gregor stood, feeling his heart race. He was defenseless. The sword passed down from Sandwhich had always brought Gregor a sense of security. In an act of defiance towards war, he broke it half at the conclusion of the final prophecy he had been involved in. Now he had nothing. His mom still wouldn't even let him own a pocket knife.

"Who are you!" Gregor shouted. He had to find a way to protect Luxa, if this even was Luxa. Wait! Gregor fumbled around the unconscious human's waist and found a sword. He pulled it from it's sheath and nearly flung it into the air it was so light. It was a small dagger. Great. Now he'd have to be with 6 inches of his opponent to kill them.

Gregor shuddered. All he wanted was to meet Luxa and now here he was, marching right back into killing. He lowered the dagger but did not drop it. "Look, who ever you are I don't want to fight you."

"Like a drop of water, you're quickly losing your form, boy," said the voice.

It was a cold and raspy voice, almost whimsical. It felt threatening as it imposed on him but Gregor had the feeling it was not in fighting vain.

"You may as well come closer. The illusion you face presses into me as well. I will not drain your light, pup. Just.. come closer."

Gregor felt his rager blood begin to buzz. His fear drained away, as did his inhibition. He clicked his tongue and took in his surroundings. There. He saw a cavern to his left. He got the sense it led to nowhere but his assailant. He ran his finger along his blade and drew blood, he smeared it along the ground so someone would know he had been here. He began to walk towards the cavern, finding his stride. His steps became a rhythm he found confidence in. Who ever this person was they wouldn't stand a chance. He came to the entrance of the cavern and before clicking his tongue said, "I'm here." Gregor smelled something awful, like rotten eggs.

"Now you know who you truly are," said a figure with it's back turned to him. "And now you know what you must do."

Gregor did. His powers had reached a boiling point. He could kill this thing with ease. He could. He could.. A thought wormed it's way into his brain. Wasn't this the thing he hated most? Wasn't the source of his hypocritical place in this world because he had decided to fully envelope his role as a killer? But even back then had been fighting for something. Or at least he thought he had been. And now he was about to stab a living being to death because he was scared?

The light inside Gregor began to flow through him, replacing the monstrous instinct to kill. He couldn't speak. He dropped the dagger and it clanged on the hard ground. He turned and made his way back to the mysterious body on the ground. He checked for a heart beat and found it. He wondered what he should do.

A wily laugh came from right behind him. "Boy, you have fallen far from your glory. You must be the Overlander I seek."

"What did you do to her?" Gregor shouted. He might be sparing this rat's life but he would not be idle while someone's life was on the line. "What did you do to her?"

"She will awaken soon. You and I, however, are doomed to live this nightmare until our meager lives are abolished." Said the rat without a single trace of dignity.

Gregor had had enough. "Who are you?!"

"I'm Grunge and I'm pleased with your presence here. I knew you would come back for the Queen."

Gregor was about to retort when Luxa gave a cough. "Luxa! Luxa, are you okay?" Said Gregor being suddenly anxious about talking to her again.

"Gregor?" She wheezed out in between coughs. "Gregor is that you?"

"Yes!" Said Gregor with tears rolling down his cheeks. He pulled her in close and hugged her and laughed.

"I was.. ohhh" she let out bringing her hands to her head. "I was waiting for you when suddenly my torch went out and I was knocked unconscious."

"I suppose I might have had something to do with that," said Grunge.

"You!" Barked Gregor, standing up.

"Gregor, please get me out of here. I need light." Luxa said, beginning to cough again.

So without a word Gregor lifted her up and made his way towards the Overland.

"I'll be here when you're ready to talk," said Grunge.

Gregor scoffed and shifted the giant rock out of place and light flooded them. Gregor turned, still holding Luxa to look at the Grunge. He was covered in scars that criss crossed his body leaving areas with no fur and found a single eye glaring back at him. "If you're here when I get back, you're dead."

And with that Gregor lifted himself and Luxa into the Overland.

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