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'DAMN, Those are some big ass trees'

Wait a god damn minute.

How'd you even get here???

Well, it all started on an uneventful morning...


You had woken up and contemplated going back to sleep instead of waking up but decided against it.

You took a good look at all your missing assignments and noped out of the Google classroom tab faster than Kurapika drowning in an indescribable emptiness

You decided to ignore it for now and enjoy the calm before the storm that you were currently in

Because...let's be real.

There was no saving your grades.

Not facing reality to avoid having a breakdown was the prettier option

So, instead of doing work you decided to just read some questionable x reader books on Wattpad

Normally you'd read on the crackfic tag to find some funny books and ignore the negative feelings of the real world

However, today you decided you'd try something...different

You'd actually just look up Naruto fanfics on the actual search bar

It wouldn't hurt...right...?




Why was Y/n so embarrassing? And why was she annoying? You refused to be even just assosiated to that...thing...

Where was the dialogue? No, wait. who was talking??? Were they even talking???

Weren't you just in the room of the protagonist-? HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET INTO JAIL SO QUICKLY. H U H.

The grammar gave you a headache. Now, you understood a couple mistakes. Sometimes auto correct was a bitch, or maybe they weren't a native speaker. However, if you couldn't understand a single sentence then you just ✌

There were so many other things that made you be off put by the fanfics but just thinking about them all made you lose braincells.

You sighed and closed the Wattpad tab.

In order to get all of the stuff you read out of your head you decided to watch the source material, which in this case was Naruto

And so, you headed over to the usual sketchy looking website to watch anime for free because of your broke ass.

Except...instead of seeing the same sketchy website with it's countless hentai advertisements on the sides you saw....nothing

The only thing you could describe it as was a white screen

You pressed the power button in an attempt to restart it and perhaps save it

However, when nothing happened you gave up and sulked

'OH FUCK ME. What the fuck am I supposed to do???'

You debated on wether or not to go to the technologically gifted family member in order to ask for help

However as you had a mental debate something odd happened...

You took a glance at your hands only to see them turn into particles and get sucked into the screen.

You, being the sane person you were...screamed.

And very loudly at that.

Oh how you were gonna get plenty of noise complaints if you were just imagining this because of sleep deprivation

But that wouldn't make any sense since today you had actually gotten a good night's sleep.

'You know...this reminds me of those fan fictions where the reader gets sucked in by their computer to the Naruto world'

By now the lower half of your body had gone "✌"

'Wait a damn minute. What if I'm actually being-'

You didn't get to finish that thought as your body from the neck down had all been turned into particles

And as your neck dispersed from the bottom up slowly, your sight became darker at a worryingly fast pace

'Well. Fuck.'

That was your last thought before your sight was fully engulfed in darkness and you passed out

The last thing you saw was your laptop turning off.

Rewrite A/n: The bottom half is kinda the same because I got lazy, and it's shorter because I'm not a big fan of long prologues aha..

Rewritten: 10/22/20

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