Daddy!Harada Sanosuke •|Twins|•

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The long awaited zaddy. Took awhile because online classes are absolute booty.

Thanks for waiting @rb_630 AND the rest of you♥️


"Rise and shine, my lazy loves!" Sanosuke was up bright and early as usual. He slid the door open, letting light flood the room.

After sensing the sunlight through her eyelids, your daughter bolted upright. She excitedly clung to her father's waist in hopes that he would pick her up.

"Up!" The toddler bounced eagerly as she made use of her limited vocabulary. "Daddy, up!"

The auburn haired male chuckled at his one energetic child. He obeyed her every command and picked her up as he always does.

"That's a bad habit. She's going to want you to do that even when she's older." You stated groggily, rubbing your eyes before covering your head with a blanket.

Sanosuke simply chuckled and stated that he would do it for her until she didn't want him to anymore. He brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her nose. "Good morning." She gave him an excited hug in reply.

The other child scooted closer to you in order to feel comforted by your warmth. He was the opposite of his sister. Despite being twins, their personalities were very different.

They had names, but Sanosuke had given them nicknames that they could go by. Sun and Moon.

Sun, for your overly energetic daughter that reminded Sanosuke of his younger self. She was restless, that's for sure. Always had to be moving while it was day time.

Moon, for his quieter-than-usual son. If he could, he would sleep through the day and stay awake at night. You didn't mind this since you were a night owl yourself, but it would be beneficial for the boy if his sleeping schedule stayed similar to his sister's...and the majority of the population.

"Wake up~" You poked at the boy's cheeks. He whined a bit and cuddled closer to you. It was obvious that he wanted to sleep longer.

Sanosuke walked over to the two of you with his daughter in his arms.

The girl demanded to be put down. Once she was on her own two feet, she ripped the blanket off of the two of you.

You stared at her in surprise. That was certainly unexpected.

"Moo, play!" She called out to her older brother. "Moo~!"

"Moon." You corrected her. "Say 'Moon'."

Sun stared at your lips and tilted her head in confusion as if to tell you she was saying that.

Sanosuke chuckled at the sight of his little family and abruptly picked his son up, exposing him to the chilly cold air. He brought him over to the door and made him face the bright light.

The toddler definitely woke up, but he showed no obvious expression. From what you could see, he was glaring at his father with irritation, but Sanosuke just smiled at him knowing he was too obedient to say anything.

"Woa!" Your daughter stepped over you in order to reach her father. She wanted to be held up like that also. "Up!" She demanded as she tugged on the lower half of his kimono.

The auburn haired male glanced at you for help. This was him forcing you awake.

With a sigh, you stood up and walked over, taking the boy from his fathers grip. Your daughter got what she wanted and smiled gleefully.

"Let's go wash up." Sanosuke kissed your forehead and then diverted his attention to his mini-me's. "Uncle Heisuke made breakfast."


As all of you enjoyed a rowdy breakfast, your son had managed to crawl into your lap. You knew what this meant, and so did Sanosuke, which was why the male removed his son from you.

"You can't nap yet." The boy's father made him stand up. "How about you play with your sister for a bit?"

Moon tried to crawl back into his position from earlier, but Sanosuke stopped him every time. Eventually the boy gave up and settled for playing with his sister instead.

After realizing this, the girl walked over and asked her brother a simple two-word question. "Moo, play?"

"...Otay." The boy hesitantly nodded.

His sister acted as though she was the happiest person alive, and the two of them ran to a corner of the room.

"Your mini-Sano isn't much of a talker, huh?" Shinpachi chuckled.

Heisuke nudged the older male's shoulder. "You're getting old Shin, they've been living here for how long? You just noticed?"

Shinpachi quickly wrapped Heisuke in a headlock and began grinding away.

"Reminds me of Hajime." Okita chuckled, and said male brightened up slightly.

You glanced over to see how your children were doing and realized that they had copied the Shinpachi-Heisuke dynamic. Sun had her brother in a headlock and was rubbing away at the top of his head with a fist.

Your son, on the other hand, was indifferent. He didn't care that she was hurting him, and you chuckled at this. Moon definitely learned what it meant to be a big brother early on, so he wasn't making a big fuss about it.

Before you could say anything, Sanosuke walked over and stopped them. He sat them down side-by-side and began scolding. You adored this side of him, very daddy-like.

"You can't do that, Sun." Her father informed her. "Did you see how Uncle Heisuke didn't like it?"

"Yeah, I didn't like it!" The brunette chimed in angrily to fulfill his role in the disciplinary act.

This got her attention and she hugged her brother with tears in her eyes as she pled for forgiveness.

After this, she ran to your arms for comfort. You consoled her until she stopped crying. She kept repeating how bad her Uncle Shin was for doing that to Uncle Heisuke.


Later that night, after putting your daughter to sleep, you stumbled across a very interesting scene. Sanosuke and your son were laying on the ground, stargazing.

You walked over to them and joined in.

Your lover spread out an arm for you to rest your head on.

"Mama! Look!" Your son came and laid between the two of you as he pointed to the sky.

He began to speak gibberish, and you couldn't understand what he was trying to tell you.

Sanosuke, who had taught him all of this, translated. "That Star is the brightest. That group looks like a ladle..."

He continued on and you saw how brightly your son's eyes were shining. This was probably why he was a night owl.

During the daytime his sister warranted everyone's attention, but at night all he needed was you and Sanosuke.

Twins were definitely a lot of work, and you admired the Shinsengumi Captain for being able to keep up with both. He was such a blessing.

"I'm going to bed first." You stated, abruptly sitting up.

"Mama, stay!" Your son grabbed onto your clothes. His golden eyes, much like his father's, pleaded with you.

"Yeah mama, stay." Sanosuke chuckled, copying his mini-me. He shot you a killer smile from his position on the floor.

You were squealing at their shared act. Your son was truly the mini version of Sanosuke. "Ahhh! I love my boys so much!"

As you enveloped the two of them in a group hug, they shot each other proud grins. They were using their looks to win you over, and it worked.

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