Chikage Kazama •|Suzuka Gozen|•

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"Tch. Humans." Chikage wrinkled his nose at the smell. He stepped over dead bodies as he passed through a massacred village.

"It truly is disgraceful." Amagiri frowned. "Perhaps we should search for survivors."

"No need." Chikage waved his hand in the air dismissively. "I want nothing to do with humans. I only have one goal."

Then, he began to sniff the air once more, and his nostrils filled with the scent of a demon. His eyebrow raised in curiosity, he thought it was Chizuru he smelled, but began to think otherwise.

"Where are you headed Kazama-sama?" Amagiri asked. "The female demon you seek lies in the opposite direction."

"I know that." Chikage hissed, still advancing on his own. "But someone else is close by."

As the smell became stronger, Kazama searched for the cause of it more desperately.

Suddenly, he heard the tree branches above him shuffle and looked upward only to be greeted by someone falling on top of him.

"You let your guard down, Chikage Kazama of the West." You smirked, pinning him to the floor.

"Did you do that to the village over there?" He gestured in the direction he just came from. "Did you kill all those people?"

"Don't be foolish. That was the doing of those 'furies' or whatever they're called. Besides..." You removed yourself from on top of him, dusting yourself off. "I have no desire to mingle with the humans that way. There are too many of them, and fighting with them would lead to the extinction of demons. I only wish to rekindle our kind and live separately from those humans." You glanced in the direction of the village that was slaughtered.

"Where do you come from?" Chikage asked, frowning. "Why is it that you know my name but I don't know yours?"

You chuckled, resting a hand on his cheek. "You're very amusing when you allow expressions like that to come from you. Like a child pouting."

Chikage slapped your hand away. "Answer me, woman." He declared.

"A descendant of Suzuka Gozen." Amagiri's eyes widened and he dropped to the floor in a formal bow.

"Relax yourself." You walked over and touched his shoulder. "I don't like formalities as much as this one." You referred to Chikage.

"Oh." Said man frowned. "Then you aren't a pure blood demon."

You scoffed. "Or you just don't know that Suzuka Gozen had a child before that human general, Yoshitsune." You frowned at his assumptions. "I'm as pure blooded as you are. Not like that Senhime you met before."

"I see..." he paused and thought long and hard. "Initially, I was aiming to wed that demon girl from the East, but since you are here with the intention of repopulating our kind... You might as well take her place." Chikage smirked, grabbing you and tossing you over one shoulder.

"U-unhand me!" You pounded at his back.

"Kazama-sama!" Amagiri yelled. "I do not think you understand that she is from noble descent. It is unwise to handle her with such care."

Chikage laughed out if annoyance. "What should I do instead? I refuse to waste time now that I have a willing participant."

"You could let me walk on my own two feet." You suggested. "If you expect me to be the mother of your children, then I suggest you learn how to treat me with a little more respect. In addition, make me gain your respect."

At your words, he set you down. "You fawn over that 'romance' stuff those humans do, don't you?"

"I wouldn't say I fawn over it. I just appreciate it." You tapped a hand to your chin as if you were thinking.

Chikage sighed and bent down on one knee. "Then... would you, descendant of Suzuka Gozen, do me the favor of-"

"-Wait." You stopped him, pouting slightly. "You haven't even asked for my name. Just my lineage."

He took a deep sigh. "What is your name?"

"(Y/n)!" You shouted gleefully.

"Then... would you, (y/n), descendant of Suzuka Gozen, do me the-"

"-drop the 'descendant of Suzuka Gozen' stuff. It's quite odd." You complained.

Chikage was now noticeably irritated and blurted out the next few words quickly so that you would not interrupt. "Will you, (y/n), do me the favor of bearing my children?"

"That needs a little work," you chuckled. "'Bearing my children' you say? How brazen."

Chikage blushed a deep red. "You embarrass me woman. Forget I aske-"

"-I do." You cut him off. "I accept. I comply. I will have your children." You laughed.

Amagiri was silent with awe. He has never seen someone treat Chikage like this before.

"I will never forget that face." You teased. "Hey, do you think our children will make adorable expressions like you?"

"Shut it woman." He coldly replied, turning around to return back to his home.

"I hope they do." You followed Chikage and giggled, staring at the tips of Chikage's ears as they turned a light pink.

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