Toudou Heisuke •|Broken Hearted|• pt.1

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Hey y'all! I'm back and better than ever! School is kicking my butt right now—which is why I haven't been able to write much—but I should probably write more since it's an effective stress reliever.

Anyway, here's a request from 1241992BTS


Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of birds chirping and saw the sunlight peek through the sliding door. Your hands instinctively reached for another body, but he was already gone. Your lover of 3 years, Toudou Heisuke, seemed to be waking up earlier and earlier these days. 

Quickly putting yourself together, you made your way to the bathroom in order to do your morning routine. As soon as you turned the first corner, you spotted your beloved Heisuke sitting on a bench. Your first instinct was to call out to him.

"Ah! Hei-" You stopped yourself. He was in such deep thought as the girl next to him held his hand. They were having an intensely emotional conversation. His beautiful emerald orbs stared off into the sky. He seemed so... sad.

Your heart twisted and you couldn't bear to watch the scene any longer. Instead, you retraced your steps and hid around the corner so you could still hear their conversation but wouldn't have to look at them anymore.

"I don't think we can do this anymore, Toudou-kun." The girl's voice broke his silence. You were familiar with her voice—It was Chizuru.

"No!" Heisuke protested. "I-I-I don't think I'll be able to live if you're not in my arms."

Hearing this made your heart sink.

'If you're not in my arms'

He had never said such desperate and loving words to you.

"But Heisuke, (y/n)-"

"(Y/n) is just an obligation!" He shook his head. "Chizuru, it can't be anyone but you. I'll tell her tonight. I can't be with someone I don't even love."

At those words, an arrow pierced your chest. The impact was tremendous. You were in such shock that your legs gave in, causing you to fall to the ground.

"Who's there?" The green-eyed man asked after hearing you thump to the floor. "Come out before I-"

"Hey. Hey. Hey." A man with familiar auburn hair popped in front of you and made his way towards Heisuke. When did he get there? "Nothing to be so hostile about. It's just me."

"Now's your chance to run." Sanosuke whispered under his breath to you.

"T-thanks." You whispered in return, weakly making your way back to your room.

"What are you doing here Sano?" Heisuke's brows furrowed at said man.

His voice caused you to fumble.

"Let me help you." Shinpachi picked you up bridal style and carried you back the rest of the way.

"Thank you, Nagakura." You leaned your head against his chest, causing him to blush.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that." He set you down by the sliding door.

"Of all the people in this building, you should not be sorry."

You smiled and quietly made your way into your bedroom. You reverted to the same state you were in 15 minutes ago—under the covers and eyes closed—the only difference was that tears fell down your cheeks.

Moments later, you heard the familiar thumping sound of someone running and then the door slid open. This caught you by surprise, so you threw the blanket over your head.

"Let's talk."

It was Heisuke.

"Okay," you slowly sat up and faced him. "Let's talk."

Many long hours passed as he told you what had been on his mind.

He explained that being engaged to you had become a burden. At some point in your relationship, he really loved you, but at the moment, he was in love with someone else.

Simple. As. That.

"But I still loved you." You protested. "You couldn't even tell me before you got my hopes up? Instead, you went and did all this behind my back."

"Look, I'm sorry (y/n)..." He looked really guilty. He knew it was wrong of him to do it, but he couldn't help his strong feelings toward Chizuru.

There was a long silence. 

"I wish that you are happy from now on." You cupped his face and forced him to look you dead in the eyes. "Please, do not treat Chizuru this way. You must cherish what you have found and not look for a way out."

He nodded. A tear fell from his cheek. "I'm really sorry (y/n)."

"No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't have taken this long to tell me." You sighed, stood up, and headed through the door. "Goodbye, Heisuke."

You swiftly made your exit to the inner garden. 

'Is this the last time I can sit on this bench?' You asked yourself, but who were you kidding? You knew the answer.

"Yes. It is."

This thought alone left you broken hearted.

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