Harada Sanosuke •|Braids|•

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You took a deep breath, at the moment a couple of men were cornering you into an alleyway.

"Come oooon prettyyy lady." One man stated, sticking his hand out.

"We jus' wanna give you a gooooood time." The other slurred as he took a step towards you.

You were being forced to take a step back. "I don't want it. Now leave me alone."

"Haaah?" The first man yelled angrily, stumbling toward you.

Suddenly a figure slipped past the men and appeared in front of you. From what you could see, long auburn hair and a blue coat blocked you from the two drunks.

"Alright. Alright. That's enough fellas." You could hear the mystery man smiling as he spoke. "Why don't you leave the pretty little lady alone and head on home, huh?" He pointed to the entrance of the alleyway behind the two men.

"Heyyyy you bastard. We saw her fiiiirst." One of the men was getting ready to draw his sword, but before anything could happen, you suddenly heard the drunkards groan and fall to the floor.

"Took you long enough, Shinpachi." The mystery man said to another his 'friend' who had entered the alleyway with an obvious Shinsengumi coat.

You took a step backwards and realized that your savior was also one of them.

"Hey Sano, you're not one to pick fights with drunk guys." Shinpachi sighed, scratching the back of his head. 'Sano' stepped aside, revealing your figure to the other male. "Oho! She's quite the looker! Now I know why you rushed down the alley." Shinpachi grinned widely as he amiably waved in your direction.

"Hey. Hey. That wasn't my intention." The male in front of you looked helpless against his friend's words. After they chatted for a while longer, 'Sano' turned around to face you. "Are you okay?" He gently asked, eyes falling on your hair. It was the first thing he noticed since your hair wasn't in an updo. Twin braids were definitely rare to come across.

"Y-yes." You stuttered, bowing quickly. "Thank you for your intervention, but I must head home now."

"Ah, sure. Want me to escort you home?" Sano asked with a calloused hand extended out to you.

You stared at it confused. Did he want you to hold it? "No, but thank you very much for your offer." You bowed once more and scurried down the alleyway, but as soon as you reached the exit, you tripped over your own feet and fell to the floor. Your face flushed with embarrassment.

"See? Come on. I'll help you get home." Sano extended his hand once more, and this time you took it. He helped you to stand up and you faltered slightly, the ankle you fell on began to throb and Sano recognized the injury. "Here. Up you go!" He hoisted you into his arms, carrying you like a princess.

"Hey Sano, you're being awfully nice." Shinpachi sighed, stepping out of the alley. "What are we gonna do with a natural born lady-killer like you?"

"Finish patrol without me, Shinpachi." Sano yelled over his shoulder briefly, then directed his attention to you. "So, you wanna tell me where I'm going?"

"I suppose I shouldn't refuse this time around." You sighed, giving in to Sano's kindness and telling him the way to your house. "Are you always so chivalrous, Sano-san?" You asked, mindful of the embarrassing position you were in.

"Harada Sanosuke." He quickly, but non-defensively, corrected you.

"Huh?" You were confused. He hadn't answered your question at all.

"That's my name. Harada Sanosuke." He repeated, smiling down at you. "I'd feel happy if a pretty little lady like you was saying my real name."

"Ah, yes. Harada-san." You muttered eyeing the road ahead, not aware of the frown he wore.

"You braid really well." He blurted randomly.

"Oh? Is that so?" You touched your braids, feeling more aware of your appearance. "I guess, but I usually wear my hair like this at night."

"What's a girl doing by herself at night anyway?" He asked, shifting you in his arms so he had a better grip on you.

"Uhh..." You felt your sweat drop, as you stared up at his auburn locks. You decided to tell the truth. "I was visiting my parents' graves."

"You're living alone?" He asked, baffled by the news.

"I don't know if I should share that kind of information with a man." You blushed, unsure of how far his chivalry would protect you.

"You're a smart woman." He chuckled, catching on to your concerns. "And beautiful. Braids truly suit you, something complex but simple at the same time."

"Complex...?" You asked, touching your hair once more.

As soon as you spotted the familiar building, you notified him.

"So this is your house?" He stopped in front of the structure as if he was trying to carefully examine it.

"Yes." You nodded, waiting for him to put you down.

"Since you live alone, want me to lend you a hand with wrapping your injury?" He offered, placing you on your two feet.

"Ah, I'll have to decline. But... you could tell I live alone?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Your reactions led me believe you're not married yet." He chuckled, fixing his coat. "But in return for helping you home can I ask for a favor?"

Your eyes widened at this. "Sure. What's your request?"

"You said you only wore braids at night. But tomorrow around noon, have your braids ready. I'll be on patrol then and I want to see them." He was definitely bold. You would give him that.

"S-sure." You stuttered, blushing. "I'm sure I won't forget your beautifully colored hair either. Auburn isn't common."

He watched as you headed inside. "Will you be able to manage on your own?" He asked.

"I've been alone for so long. I'll be okay." You sadly admitted, but it was true.

Sanosuke smiled warmly as you slid the front door open. "I'll see you tomorrow, Miss."

"Yeah, Harada-san." You appreciated him staying until you retreated inside. It made you feel less alone.

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