AE Diner(2)

434 12 9

"(Y/n) I-"

"Here's your order, hope you enjoy"

(Y/n) turned around and looked at the waitress. She smiled.

"Are you ready to order Mr.Tesla?" She asked.

"The usual Annie, thank you"
She nodded and walked away.

(Y/n) stared at the food. »So I must also wait for the food to arrive«
After minutes of waiting the waitress arrived and left.

(Y/n) stared at Tesla's food.
"You don't eat meat" she pointed out.

Tesla looked at her and smiled "no, I'm vegetarian. I want to be vegan but I still eat fish"

(Y/n) felt looked down at her plate (if it doesn't have meat ignore the paragraph)
She felt guilty about ordering something that had meat.
"I'm sorry"
Tesla shook his head "don't worry I don't care what other people eat"

(Y/n) smiled at him. "I'm glad" she laughed nervously.

She was so hungry she could've scarfed down the whole plate in seconds but she decided not to.

The food was actually better than (y/n) expected. She still preferred her favourite restaurant though.

"Are you ready to go?. I'll just pay and we may leave"

(Y/n) looked at him and nodded eagerly. She was excited to be near Tesla but she was already tired and wanted nothing but lay down on her comfortable bed.

She waited while Tesla paid and then they left.

The night was calm, kinda chilly but comfortable to be in.

They walked alongside, not muttering a word, it didn't feel wrong, they both knew this is how they wanted to be.

The moon shone a beautiful white yellowish glow, everything about the night was beautiful. The critters making soft sounds. The lights were almost completely out, people were preparing for bed...

(Y/n) yawned.

"I'm sorry I kept you this long (y/n) I'll walk you to the train's station. If we're fats enough we'll arrive just in time for the last train"

(Y/n) looked at him, his blue eyes reflecting beautifully the moon's light.

Where I live it's 10 minutes before midnight, so technically I did post on Tuesday :)

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