Do you trust him?

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Czito didn't speak to (y/n) while they returned to Mr.Tesla's lab

(Y/n) didn't want to admit it but she was kinda afraid of what Mr.Tesla could do, that poor dog didn't deserve to be killed that way and it was all thanks to Tesla.
"(Y/n)?" Czito asked, interrupting her thoughts.
(Y/n) looked up.
"You didn't believe that did you?" He asked.

"How can I not?" Her voice quivered at the end of the phrase "Czito you saw it! Mr.Tesla's invention IS dangerous"

Czito shook his head and sighed.
"You haven't known him as long as me, trust me, this is just a parlor trick, I'm sure Tesla has an explanation, but before we find out, don't say anything"

(Y/n) looked away and nodded.
»Guess that's my only option«

When they arrived to the lab Mr.Tesla was feeding a pigeon.
Czito acted as if nothing had happened and offered his assistance.

Mr.Tesla ignored him and continued with the pigeon. After a while he sat down and looked at Czito in the eyes.
"What did he do?"
His voice didn't betray any emotion, sending shivers down (y/n)'s  spine.

"The usual Mr.Tesla, just saying that your invention is dangerous"

In a swift movement Mr.Tesla stood up and glared at Czito.
"Czito, what did he do?"

(Y/n) got nervous and Czito clearly didn't want to say anything.

Tesla looked at her.
"Edison he...he killed a dog! He used your current and electrocuted it"

Tesla sighed. "I knew he was crazy enough to do that"

He walked away and left them.

After a while cleaning the mess in the lab. Mr.Tesla called for (y/n)

Nervously she walked up the stairs.

When (y/n) entered Tesla's studio, she was shocked. Everything was neatly arranged and clean. Except for the pigeon's poop in some places.

Tesla was beside a white and gray pigeon.

After a few seconds he turned around.
"Miss (l/n) I must know" he walked towards her "do you believe in this accusations? Do you truly believe my invention could kill a human?"

(Y/n) shifted around nervously.
Before she could respond Mr.Tesla continued.

"(Y/n). Every single thing is dangerous if not handled correctly. My intentions were never bad"

(Y/n) locked eyes with him.
"I know,but the dog..."

Tesla turned around and picked up the pigeon he was petting before
"(Y/n) we will find a way out of this but I need my team to trust me. Do you trust me?"


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