Showtime (2)

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After preparing everything they were all ready to show that Tesla's invention wasn't dangerous if the person knew how to handle it correctly.

When they arrived to the designated location people were already gathered around.

Tesla looked at (Y/n) and smiled then he left to prepare everything.

(Y/n) looked down at her feet trying to hide the apparent blush.

Czito nudged her lightly.
She followed him.

After entangling some cables and being lost of what she was supposed to do Czito laughed and told her to stop and leave it to him.

So (Y/n) just waited and glanced at the forming crowd.

She was never fan of being the center of attention and being there made her feel very uneasy but she knew she had to do this.
Mr.Tesla needed her help.

Czito cleared his throat beside her and grinned at her.

"Ladies and gentlemen! You all will be witnesses of the wonders of the alternating current! Please welcome the inventor himself: Nikola Tesla!"

People clapped.
Tesla walked forward and bowed.

He then proceeded to turn on the switch. A strange sound emerged from it, not loud enough to bother but loud enough to know the thing was on.

Mr.Tesla then connected a cable to a metal piece.

Everyone went silent.

(Y/n)'s palms were sweaty, she knew that Tesla knew what he was doing but the she couldn't shake off the feeling that something could go wrong.

Instead she looked at the crowd again.
Everyone stared wide-eyed at Tesla.

Minutes passed and the only thing that changed was the sudden change of the little noise the current made and the gasps from the crowd.

But nothing else happened.

(Y/n) turned around thinking that something was wrong, nothing happened.

When she locked eyes with Tesla he was smiling and holding the metal piece.
He was unharmed.

(Y/n) finally let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled.

Everyone clapped and she soon joined in too.

After the noise died down Tesla spoke "here my friends is an example of how powerful  and safe the alternating current can be if we know how to handle it correctly"

The people cheered.
Czito was looking at the crowd and began clapping too.

When (y/n) looked back at Tesla he was staring at her.

He smiled and winked.


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