1: Blair's POV

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(A/N) Crazy to be typing here where it all started... excited to have announced today that ALL 55 chapters are now posted again and here to stay! I hope you all enjoy and thank you all so much for for the continued support! I love our little reading and writing community! ❤️

For those of you who haven't read my books before this is just a WARNING that sexual content and triggering situations will occur in this book. I will try to give everyone a heads up at the beginning of these chapters but I just wanted to give you a warning from the get go!

Loving Ms. Winters is now available on Amazon for only $0.99 on kindle and $12.99 in paperback! I can't even begin to thank you guys enough for all of the support on this book to get it where it is today! 🏳️‍🌈❤️

To get your own go to https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B4HNSTD1/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1656670644&sr=1-1 or go to Amazon books and search Loving Ms. Winters to get your own copy today!

‼️ P.S. If you're looking for another sapphic read then check out my book Conflict of Interest that is available for free exclusively on Wattpad! It's a lesbian CEO book with a twist and I'm sure you guys will love it ‼️

Happy reading and writing everyone!



Now let me just say that I am incredibly shocked that I have even made it to senior year in the first place considering everything I've done since starting high school. During my freshman year, I got into at least ten fights and got caught selling alcohol in school. During sophomore year, I got caught smoking weed, well pretty much anywhere you can think of to try and smoke it on campus. During Junior year, I got caught having sex in the bathroom and on the principal's desk. I mean, these are just a few prime examples of why I wouldn't have been surprised if I got expelled. I've acquired quite a rap sheet in good old principal Davis's filing cabinet and it's only getting longer. On the bright side I had always been pretty good at finding my way out of consequences. I just acted sincerely apologetic, then I'd light up another blunt in a better spot two hours later. I know what you're thinking, "how has this girl not gotten expelled," I have no fucking idea.

Today marks the first day of my last year in prison, I mean high school, and let me just tell you that I have no intentions of changing my habits. I had put on my shortest pair of jean shorts and a black crop top before making my way downstairs, and I could tell my parents, well adopted parents, were not thrilled.

"You are not wearing that." Scott stated, his gaze on me with his signature glass in hand

"I am actually." I smirked as I walked into the kitchen to grab an apple

Sarah scoffed and shook her head "Why do you have to be so difficult, Blair?"

I shrugged and took a bite from the crisp apple before muttering a quick "No clue."

I quickly made my way to the front door, where my skateboard and backpack were placed in anticipation of this morning. I pulled the bag onto my shoulder before grabbing my skateboard and looking at them.

"Have a great day." I half-heartedly grumbled before opening the front door

"Blair, come eat breakfast with us!" I heard Sarah call after me as I slammed the door shut behind me

To be fair, I hate Scott, but I don't exactly dislike Sarah, other than the fact that she always picks him over me. They had adopted me when I was only ten and had been home approximately ten percent of the time since. Scott is some big-shot businessman, so he travels a lot, and Sarah goes along with him for almost every trip. I had never minded our arrangement in the slightest though. They trusted me to be home alone, and I cleaned up the parties before they returned. It might be lonely at times but I'd rather be alone forever than sleep under the same roof as Scott every night.

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