Foxy's Family

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(Art found on internet again. Foxy and Bonnie with some of their animatronic features. Sorry for not updating for months. I got grounded from my chromebook which is what I write my stories on.)

*Foxy's pov* *Flashback to about 6 years ago, after the abuse started*

My sister, Vixen, had major depression issues. So when she hadn't come out of her room since yesterday, I was starting to get worried. I decided to go and check on her, to make sure she was alright. I knocked on the door and got no answer. I pushed the door open, and there was my sister, on the floor, covered in blood, holding a note and a bloodied blade. I just stopped. I couldn't move. My mouth opened, but there was no sound. After a few minutes of just sitting there, I ran over to her and grabbed the note. The note read: Dear Foxy, I know that you'll be the one to find me. I hope that you know that this isn't your fault at all. Never blame yourself for my problems. Don't let them scare you. They cannot hurt you if you don't let them. Don't let them hurt you. I hope to see you in the future someday, little brother. I love you. ~ Vixen I was crying, and the note had blood smeared and tears all over it by the time I had gotten calmed down enough to go to my parents, who were surprisingly sober for once, and tell them what happened.

*End of flashback*

I feel like I'm re-living that moment right now, except for I'm witnessing what she did, to kill herself. Bonnie was just staring back at me, and the blood was running down his arm, dripping on the floor, when I finally was able to move again. I ran over to Bonnie and got some water and bandages, then proceeded to clean and bandage his cuts. I then noticed how many he had. They covered his arms, from a little below his shoulder to his wrist almost reaching his hand. My vision was starting to blur and I said "Why? Why did you do this Bonnie??" Bonnie didn't say anything for a moment, until a few seconds later when he looked into my eyes "Because you'll never love me back. I love you Foxy." I stopped bandaging his arms and I was shocked. I then started crying again, half out of happiness and half out of sadness. I couldn't speak, so I pulled his face to mine and kissed him.

*Bonnie's pov*

I finally got the courage to confess to him, and I prepared myself for rejection, but he kissed me instead. I was so confused, but I gave in to the kiss either way. After a minute, we stopped. We just sat there staring at each other. It was actually kind of awkward. I then noticed that he still had tears rolling down his cheeks, and I wiped them off his face, with the arm that was bandaged. That's when Foxy continued bandaging his other arm. After he finished, I cleaned up the blood while Foxy washed and hid all of the blades that I had been using, and all of the other ones that I hadn't used that were there too. After about 10 minutes, we were finally done, and I climbed into my bed, falling asleep almost immediately. I had a night terror, something that hadn't happened in a while. 

*In Bonnie's dream*

I woke up, and I seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. But I wasn't alone, Foxy was next to me, but when I looked closer, he wasn't moving at all. He was dead. I couldn't move. All I could hear were voices screaming 'Your fault' over and over and over again. I started screaming, then everything suddenly went black, the voices got louder, and I was still screaming. The scenery changed, and we were in a room, there was a purple man that walked over to a group of 5 small children, the children being only 6 or 7. He then killed them all. Each and every one of them got tortured before they were killed. The worst one being the little girl whose head was chopped off. The scenery changed again. There were 6 little children who seemed to be celebrating somebody's birthday. I then recognized them as the children that were murdered, but one of them I didn't recognize. They started to leave with two people, a man and a woman. No doubt, the birthday person's parents. The mother left to go start the car while the father watched the children. "Stay here" he told the children, before leaving, to go the bathroom I presume. Then there was a man who was wearing a yellow bunny suit with a purple bow on it, and told them to follow him for a surprise. The children had no idea what was going on, and decided to listen and follow him. Though one disagreed at first, but then decided to go with them so that they wouldn't have to be alone, though they were quite slow and barely moved. The one child that fell behind was killed last. The man drove up in his car and stepped out, murdered the child and left as fast as possible. I noticed that I was still screaming. The scenery changed. It was a small diner, and there were two animatronics on a small stage. One of them looked like the bunny suit the purple man had worn to kill the children, and the other one was a golden-yellow bear, who was singing. There was a little boy who looked very tired, and was talking to a red-headed girl, who seemed very nice. Then there was this group of 4 people who surrounded the crying child and started bullying him. Each of the bully's wore a mask. One was a red fox with and eye patch, the second one was a yellow chicken, the third was a purple bunny, and the final one was a brown bear with a top hat. They kept on saying the name 'Fredbear' so I'm guessing that was the golden-yellow bears name. Then they picked up the crying child and carried him over to the Fredbear animatronic. They then shoved the kids head into the animatronics mouth, and Fredbear was singing so he had to close his mouth. The bully's never took the kid out of his mouth, then it was too late. Fredbear bit down and the child was dead, I'm sure. Foxy was still next to me dead on the floor. Then we got new scenery. There was a stage with a metal animatronic on it that had orange hair, blue eyes, a red crop top with a red skirt. She had a orange ring around a very small fan, and had a red and orange microphone with small little spikes decorating it. She had purple hair ties, eyelashes, and eyebrows. There were two children, one was the red-head girl from before. Then the other child left and the red-head snuck up to the stage. "Don't tell Daddy that I'm here. I wanted to see your show too! I don't know why he won't let me see you, you're wonderful!" The girl said. The animatronic had stopped singing, and stopped moving. The stomach opened and there was a claw holding a scoop of ice-cream. The girl got onto the stage to go and take it, but as she reached for it, the ice-cream fell to the floor and the claw took the girl into the animatronics body. The scene changed again. This time we were in a basement. There was a red-headed woman, who looked a lot like the little girl, tied to a chair. The purple man was there too, he held a knife and had a sadistic look on his face.  He walked over to the chair, put a knife to the woman's throat, and the woman looked terrified. "I'm doing this so we can be together forever my love~" The man whispered. Then he killed the woman by slitting her throat. The scene changed again. We were in a room that had metal walls, and had this thing on one end that looked like a scooper for children to play with. There were animatronic pieces all over the floor. But the worst part is that there was a man at the other end of the room, right across from where the scooper is. There was this weird wiry thing that was outside the room, looking into it from some glass that was there. There was a series of beeps. Then the man got scooped and the wiry thing climbed inside of his body. There was another scenery change. The purple man I had come to hate was being chased by a 6 souls. He saw the bunny suit and ran towards it, hoping he would be safe. He laughed, then started coughing. I'm assuming that it was a spring lock suit, so I knew that wasn't good. There was a crunching sound, and then blood started coming out of the suit. The spring locks had gotten too loose and had gone off, causing the endoskeleton to try to force it's way into the suit. The man was being crushed inside of the suit while the spirits looked happy and satisfied. The purple man was dead. I finally woke up after his death.

*Foxy's pov*

I climbed into bed right after Bonnie, and he was already asleep. A few hours later, I woke up to screaming. I looked over and saw that Bonnie was screaming in his sleep with tears running down his cheeks. I grabbed onto him and wiped the tears off his face "Shhhh... you're ok... it's all gonna be ok... shhh... shhhh" I whispered, in a calm voice. I had dealt with night terrors before, as my sister used to have them all the time. I was able to calm him down a small bit, then he woke up. "Are you ok?" I asked, I know that you never ask someone about their night terrors, it makes them feel like they're re-living it. "I'm fine now." Bonnie said, hugging me, with his head on my shoulder. "Alright." I said, hugging him as well. His mother was in the doorway, and she had heard his screams as well. She had watched everything go down, and was in shock at how well Foxy dealt with night terrors. But she was confused to why her sons arms were covered in bandages. She shot him a questioning look, and he looked at the place where he had hidden the blades and that then looked back at her. She walked over quietly and undetected and found the blades and that, and she let out a small gasp alerting Bonnie of her presence. "Mom?" Bonnie said, confused. "Oh mi pobre dulce bebe. Por que hiciste esto?? Por que te lastimarias?? Nunca mas. Lo siento mucho. Lo siento mucho." She said. (I'm too lazy to put the translation, so google it.) "Mama, esta bien. Estoy bien. no tienes que preocuparte por nada. Sin embargo, Foxy necesita encontrar un nuevo escondite para equellos ahora." Bonnie said. (Once again,no translation.) After I had found a new hiding spot, we all tried to go back to sleep. It was 5 am. about two hours later, 7 am, we were all up due to hel- I mean school. We got ready and we left for school, Bonnie wearing long sleeves due to his bandages even though it was a nice day out. After school we just hung out and made funny jokes. We found this really beautiful place that underneath a sakura tree, on a cliff. We watched the sunset there. "Hey Bonnie?" I said, about to ask something serious. "Yeah, Foxy?" Bonnie replied, kinda confused. "What are we?" I asked, staring into his eyes. "I, I don't know." Bonnie said. "We could be anything you want." He continued. "Alright then," I said "We're officially boyfriends now." I started to smile as I finished my sentence. Bonnie kissed me and we kissed for a bit, then we returned back to the house. His mother met us at the door. She started freaking out and talking fast in Spanish a. because we were holding hands and b. because we had been gone all day and she had gotten worried. But it was mostly because of reason a. Bonnie's mom said something that made him turn into a tomato. What did she say?!?!? I gotta start learning Spanish. I thought as i watched Bonnie and his mother speak rapidly in Spanish as Bonnie turned more and more red with each and every single word she spoke.

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