Chapter 30. A Night to Remember

Start from the beginning

Her green eyes started to beam at me as she smiled and nodded her head. "Let's do that," she agreed. "But," she began again. "What about Sirius?"

"What about Sirius?" I furrowed my brows slightly.

She studied my eyes carefully, still having that gentle smile on her lips. "You told me and everyone else to enjoy this night to the will you, by finally telling him how you truly feel about him?"

I was quite taken aback by what she had just said and was quiet for a while. But after that while, my expression relaxed, and I looked down to the ground. "You knew about it?"

"I have always known that there was something more than just friendship between the two of you. And after last summer, seeing you two back together as friends made me realise it fully. You two belong together."

My eyes moved back to hers. "But how can you say that, knowing what Marlene feels towards him? I thought you agreed with Alice when she said that the two of them had something between them and-"

"She has feelings towards Sirius...but I don't believe he has those kind of feelings towards her. I don't want Marlene to get heartbroken, but you can not force love on someone. Having seen how Sirius looks and acts around you, I'm convinced about his feelings towards you as well. But you need to act what better opportunity you have than today?"

"But Sirius asked Marlene, they came together...I don't even have a partner despite everyone needing one by the rules."

"But are you certain about it?"

I questioned Lily with my eyes, but just then a knock came from the door, which soon opened, and Euphemia walked in. "Oh," she chimed in a motherly way. "You two look absolutely stunning!" she said in a proud way.

She gave me a gentle and warm hug and then hugged Lily as well. "You two have grown so much," she said, even her eyes watering at this point.

"Mom, don't cry!" I chuckled and took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

She beamed at us. "I wish nothing is going to ruin this special night from you two. But if something happens, I promise to protect you two with everything I have, and the same goes with Fleamont. We are so happy to have you two in our you ready?"

Lily nodded her head excited.

"Yes, I'm ready."



While fixing the cufflinks, that Aurora had given me, I smiled while I paced down the hallway. Bright lights were shining from downstairs, as we waited for the girls by the stairs we would soon walk down as the representatives of the honoured family of the Potters. I had told them that it was no need of having me go with them, but Euphemia and Fleamont insisted. James also wanted me there more than anything, for he already felt light-headed, because he knew that he would loose it after seeing Lily in a ballgown.

"Nervous?" I teased James while walking past him. He just glared at me, making me even more amused.

"I think I have never seen my son more nervous," Fleamont chuckled.

"Well he was pretty nervous in his fist Quidditch game, but this is something different. I can not believe that only Lily has this much effect on him..."

"It's called love," Fleamont noted, making James look at him.

"You react like this when you see mom, don't you?"

"Oh yes, every time. No matter what she's wearing...I remember the time when I first saw her on this very day all those years ago when we were your age. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on, and still is. Love makes you do stupid things but love also makes you realise the true value of beauty.

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