I was making some food when Lafayette came in. He looked surprised, then smiled.

"Mon amie, what are you doing?" He asked. I gestured to the food, giving him a 'really' look.

"Cooking," I answered casually, turning back to what I was doing. "It's the least I can do, since you're letting me stay."

"How did you even get down the stairs?" He asked, laughing a little. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not so pathetic I can't get down a few stairs."

"There's twenty three stairs to go down, and you would have to put pressure on your bad leg."

"Who memorizes the number of stairs in their house?"


We both laughed, and I finished the food. I put it on two plates and limped over to the table. I noticed Lafayette staring at me.

"Make a portrait, it'll last longer." I teased. He stood up as soon as I sat down. "Is something wrong?"

"You're bleeding," He pointed out worriedly, getting a pair of washcloths. He wet one, and walked over with both of them. He carefully pulled the bandages off the wound, then used the dry cloth to stop the bleeding. He then cleaned the wound and the area around it, and put on fresh bandages. "Mon amie, you have to be more careful."

"It doesn't hurt that much," I lied. It actually hurt like heck trying to go down the stairs this morning, but I wasn't about to tell him that. I gently kicked his hands away. "Je vais bien."

He stared at me in disbelief. Then he stood up, set the washcloths to soak, and washed his hands. After he finished, he sat down to eat. I really owe him for the kindness he's shown me.

A while later, I tried to spark up some conversation.

"So... You're married right?" I asked. He nodded, looking at me. "What's your love like?"

"She's nice," He responded. A look of longing crossed his face. "I miss her. She's the kind that's very sweet, but will hurt you should you harm her children."

"You have kids?" I questioned. Lafayette smiled and nodded. "I take it you miss them, too?"

Again, he nodded. We were both quiet for a while, but the silence was kind of nice. I knew better than to ask about my friend's parents. I already knew he was orphaned when he was young. I just hoped he wouldn't-

"Do you have any family?" He asked me. Crap. I shook my head. The lie was painful. He moved closer, and set a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, trying to ignore thoughts of my own family. Ignore thoughts of my love.

The quiet started to grow unbearable. I smiled as I got an idea. I stood, ignoring my ankle screaming in protest, and walked back up to the room where I was staying. I sat on the bed and waited as footsteps approached the door.

"Eve-" Lafayette started. I threw a pillow at him as soon as he opened the door. It hit him in the face, and fell into his hands. Now he was grinning. He threw it back, and I dodged before throwing another pillow. We laughed and threw pillows around for about an hour.

By the end of our pillow war, we were both laughing. I stood up from my spot next to Lafayette. As I limped away, I once again pulled the ribbon from his hair. This time he was ready. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, taking the ribbon from me as he did. I laughed again as I fell back on the bed.

"Worth a try." I said happily. Lafayette shook his head as he tied his hair back. Despite seeming mildly annoyed, he was still wearing a playful grin.

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