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The next day, everyone wanted to go out again. This time to try and get more people on board with the revolution. Now this was something I could do. We ran into Hamilton again, and found out that he got in. Everyone bought drinks and started yelling about their dreams and the revolution or something. I wasn't really paying attention at this point.

"Can you believe these idiots?" Someone nearby laughed. I looked over at him. "They talk like they can beat the British. They must be really drunk."

"They aren't just super drunk, they strongly believe in this cause." I answered, watching my friends take way too many shots. How are they not dead yet? "Also, I think they will win."

"Ha! Which side keeps retreating again?" The guy challenged, taking a sip from his drink. "In a war, you're supposed to fight. Not run away."

"W- They have been fighting!" I told him, being careful not to give it away that I was a soldier. "Even in retreating, I'd say they're doing a lot more than you are."

"Come on!" The guy said. He walked over to me. "We don't need a revolution. We're fine how we are. This is asking for the British to kill us all. At least we have a stable economy this way!"

"You would rather have support from another country than freedom?" I asked. That made him really mad.

"We are not a country. We are a group of colonies. The British pretty much own us. I, for one, am fine with that. I'm just glad to have a roof over my head and safety."

"Safety is not having soldiers keeping us in line." I muttered, my own anger building. "Safety is having the freedom to protect ourselves and speak our minds and have all the rights we were born with."

"Oh really?" The guy asked. I just nodded. "How about we settle this little dispute the proper way? Out the West side of town, there's a small field. Meet me there with a gun and a second. I'll give you one hour."

He walked away, leaving me stunned. Was I really just challenged to a duel? By a piece-of-trash Loyalist? I noticed Burr standing nearby, staring at me. He looked almost afraid, but he covered it well. I started walking away, but he grabbed my arm as I passed him.

"You're actually going?" He asked. I pulled away from him, shrugging. "You could be killed!"

"I'm going to try to settle this peacefully." I told him, glancing in the direction I needed to go. "The duel is in an hour. If I'm not back by ten minutes after it was supposed to start, tell the guys where I went."

With that, I left to try and talk my way out of this.

30 minutes later...

Okay, turns out he really hates revolutionaries. I was now hiding behind a vegetable cart as he reloaded his pistol. Since I didn't want to duel, he was just going to murder me.

I waited out the time and hoped that Burr would think to come looking for me.

(Lafayette's POV)

"I dream of life without a monarchy, the unrest in France will lead to 'onarchy. 'Onarchy?" I realized I was saying it wrong, and glanced back to Eve for help. She wasn't there. I looked at John. "How you say? How you sa- oh! Anarchy!"

I quietly thanked him as he shook his head in amusement. Someone gently touched my shoulder, and I looked back at Aaron Burr. To my surprise, worry was written on his face. He pulled me to the side.

"Do you have the slightest idea where your best friend is?" He asked, sounding slightly angry. I thought for a moment, and remembered Eve walking away a while ago.

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