"Seriously Hope! You're practically a genius, your gorgeous, compassionate, sweet, caring, funny. Gosh, the list goes on and on. You could have a man you set your heart and mind on. Look out any crazy girls that might get in your way!" Hope rolls her eyes, smiling as she does so.

"You're right. I mean maybe I could move to Hollywood and convince one of the many Chris' to date me." We both laugh. This time, Hope's smile begins to appear more genuine.

"Yeah, just not Chris Pratt because, you know, he's married."

"Is he the only Chris that is married? Because, if so, I'd say my chances are pretty damned good!"

"I think one other Chris might be married, but I don't like truly knowing that information." We both give off exaggerated sighs thinking about all the talented, beautiful Chris' in Hollywood. "Oh, if you ended up with one of the four, I just don't know that I could talk to you anymore!" I declare with an inflated southern drawl.

"Oh, bless your soon-to-be-married heart!" We both let the laughter and this change of mood engulf and settle on the room for a while. For a while, we discuss other potential Hollywood loves for Hope, as well as plans of action to casually bump into them. In no time, Hope is removing the rollers from my hair, and beautifully turning it into a half-up do. She pulls out a gold a hair accessory from her rubble of items, and I almost cry.

"Where did you get that?"

"Mom has been holding onto it for us for some time. You get to wear it first. Your something borrowed." It's the piece one of our great grandmothers wore on her wedding day. Two gold combs each adorned with a gold dragonfly are linked with a gold chain meant to look like leaves. Hope and I found a picture of one our great grandmothers wearing this piece when we were very little. Anytime we would play dress up, we would always try to find or fashion something that looked just like it. Who knew that our mother was holding onto this piece all this time? Hope fixes one dragonfly on one side and gently brings the other dragonfly to the other side. It is the perfect piece to make me feel like royalty.

"It's beautiful," I whisper.

"Yes, as are you," Hope states with a light kiss to my temple. We giggle and sip champagne for the next hour until the photographer comes. We meet our parents out in the courtyard, and I can see the tears glistening in both their eyes. Of course, both of them are trying to suppress said tears, but that is our family.

"I can't believe we're old enough to have a daughter getting married," Mom gushes as she holds me in a tight embrace. As she lets go, Dad takes my hands and just smiles down on me.

"Alright you too, no tears until after the ceremony," Hope intervenes before any of us have a chance to ruin our make-up, minus Dad of course.

"Can I get y'all to stand by the bride by the fountain first? After that, we'll do some under the magnolia tree over there," the photographer instructs us. She moves us around switching out who will be in what photos. After a series of shots, Stanton finally makes his way out.

"Sorry I'm late, the groom momentarily forgot how to tie his tie." We all laugh as we take more photos with Stanton in them. I can't stop thinking about what Stanton said, "the groom," it just sends happy chills all over.

"Alright, family, you can go get ready to take your places. I'm going to take a couple more shots of just the bride." Everyone gives me big hugs before departing for the ceremony. I can't believe this is all happening. My smiles for the pictures are genuine as the excitement builds for the moments to come. "I think we've got enough now, and we will take more right after the ceremony with the groom."

"Thank you, I cannot wait to see how they all turn out."

"Of course! Now go get married," she pauses as she lifts her camera bag, "at least, as long as you're sure."

"Excuse me?" I ask stunned. Who is this photographer trying to sew doubt into my heart on what should be the happiest day of my life?

"I just mean, don't do it because you feel as though you have to. Trust me, I've seen many weddings like this one." She begins to walk away with all her gear, probably going to find a couple of perfect places to take photos during the ceremony.

"What do you mean? Hello? Can you please explain?" I continue standing in that courtyard, trying to figure out what kind of warning or advice this woman I barely know was giving me. She never turns around or comes back to explain. I breathe deeply, trying to steady my heart and my anxiety. How can I be making a mistake when I'm so happy? I shake off the photographer's words and head inside. Hope stands there, clearly impatiently waiting for me.

"We almost forgot your veil!" Hope squeals as she ushers me to quickly sit down. She fastens the veil in so that it sits perfectly with the dragonflies. I help her pull the part that is meant to cover my face so that it doesn't get caught on anything.

"Thank you, Hope." I stand back up slowly, the veil messing with my vision slightly.

"Here you go," Dad reassures me as he slips his arm through mine. I smile and pat him out of gratitude.

"Don't let me fall, okay?"

"I will always be right here when you need me, even after you're married." Dad gingerly kisses my hand as we hear the music start inside. I watch everyone else in the procession make their way through the doors, and as it gets closer to our turn, my heart flutters a million miles a minute.

"Here we go," I whisper as Dad and I take our first step.

"I've got you, Harper," Dad squeezes my arm gently as walk forward and down the aisle. The beautiful music fills the cavernous room as everyone stands from their seats. I take a sharp breath in as we slowly walk down the aisle. There are many faces in the crowd. This is so much bigger than I remember planning for; I don't even recognize many of the faces. I see many people whispering to each other as they watch me move forward. I wonder what it is they're saying. Scanning all these faces begins to make me a little paranoid, so I turn my attention forward instead. My maid of honor, Hope, stands alone on my side, while the groom and his best man stand on their side. I want to see his reaction to me in a wedding gown, but the veil obscures my view still. We get to the end of the aisle, and Dad passes my arm to my soon to be husband. I watch him take his seat next to Mom before turning to face my groom. He moves to lift my veil so I can finally get a clear look, and I almost faint.

"Ray," I whisper, shocked.

"I know. I can't believe we finally made it here either. And soon, there will be three of us," he says as he presses a hand to my stomach. I look down, suddenly noticing the enlarged belly under my wedding dress. Derrick stands behind him, as Ray's best man. This is all wrong. I begin hyperventilating as Ray holds me tightly to steady me. A ringing in my ear begins, and I don't hear the priest when he asks me the big question.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" The whole room laughs including Ray.

"Still nervous after all this time. He asked if you take me, 'til death do us part?" A wicked smile takes over Ray's face as I feel mine go white. He squeezes my hand as he reiterates, "do you take me until death parts us?"

"I-I," I look around hoping someone will see how much I want to run away. Everyone looks on as if in total bliss over this match. "I do." I blurt it out, and I know I've just sealed my fate. The priest announces us man and wife, and Ray brings his lips to mine. I want to scream, but I'm not so sure anyone would notice.

"Let's hope death does not part us too soon dear wife," Ray snarls as he lifts a knife from his jacket pocket. I scream out for help as I try to desperately to pull away from Ray. No one seems to be aware of my desperation as they all applaud and cheer the newlyweds. Ray raises the knife above his head before bringing it swiftly down.

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