Chapter 7

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I walk quickly through the quad, trying to hide the fact that I have been crying. This was really it. It's really over this time. I was such a fool for thinking that anything could work between us. I'm glad we never told anyone, or else I'd be hearing a bunch of "I told you so." I just thought we could really work through it all. Oh jeez, I can't breathe. I quickly find a bench to fall onto, trying desperately to steady my breathing. I bury my head in hands, wondering where to go from here. I dare to glance up, and I happen to notice the quad bustling with students trying to make their next class. Some are taking coffee breaks on benches or studying on the grass. I zone out people-watching, letting my brain empty of all thoughts of Derrick.

"Well, hey there Sunshine." A figure steps into my line of view, snapping me back to reality. I look up at the man's face; it takes me a moment to focus.

"Oh, hey Ray. How are you?" I try to quiet my sniffling, but to no avail.

"Better than you from the looks of things." He smiles warmly down at me. I return the smile, only shrugging in response. "Hey," he gingerly lifts my chin to look up at him, "let's go to my office." He points his head in the direction of the building where his office is located. I nod quietly, attempting to discretely wipe my nose with my shirt collar. Ray laughs lightly shaking his head and holds out his hand to me. I take it, standing up next to him. "I would hug you or help you walk straight, but," he looks discreetly around the quad before continuing, "I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea."

"Ah, people never understand the bonds of old family-friends," I jest, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"Not when they think something else might be gained from said bonds," he suggests with a flawless smile. "So, do you want to fill me in on the way there or wait until we're behind closed doors?"

"You'll think it's stupid. It is. In fact, it's childish."

"So, what was it? A failed test? A bad paper? Dropped your cell phone in the laundry?"

"No, nothing like any of that," I laugh at his guesses. "Those are more serious than my tiny problem."

"You were crying on a bench in the quad," he relays as he holds open the door to his office building. "No matter how small the issue may be, it was big enough to make such a pretty, young girl cry." I smile and blush looking down at the floor.

"I'm not that young anymore, Ray," I say pushing a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

"Oh yes, I know," he says with a silly face. "You are wildly mature beyond your years. Why, I even believe I see a gray hair or two on your head." I laugh running up the stairs trying to keep him from actually seeing the top of my head.

"You're out of line professor. The only one with grays around here is you!" I whisper yell at him as I round the stairs, finally making it to his floor. He laughs out of breath slowing down a few steps behind me. "Ah, another sign of old age. Lack of endurance, an inability to finish a simple stair run," he finally makes it up to the landing, "and excessive sweat." I scrunch up my nose as if he stinks. In truth, he smells quite nice.

"Alright young lady," he straightens his shoulders and slides his hands into his pant pockets. "To my office," he points down the hall toward the third door. I smirk at him before sauntering toward his office.

"Professor Ray, no need to be so strict," I assure reaching his office door, crossing my arms.

"Laney, no need to be so pouty," he playfully pouts at me as he unlocks his door. Once again, he holds open the door for me. "Age before beauty," he teases. I roll my eyes as I step into his office. I haven't been in here since he first got the job of a professor here. I remember bringing him a potted plant, not really knowing if that was the right gift for a professor's office. I look around and notice he still has it alive on a pedestal near his one of his two windows. I walk around his office taking in my surroundings. It reminds me a little of Derrick's office, only with fewer books scattered about. I run my fingers along the mantle of the fireplace, thinking about Derrick again. I feel the tears welling up again, but I don't want Ray to see. I wipe the tears from my eyes and cross the room to the couch.

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