🍼💙Thunderstorms Are Scary💚🍼

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Pairing; Naegami [Byakuya Togami (cg) x Makoto Naegi (little)]



The roaring thunder crashed overhead, causing Makoto to flinch a tad as he kept himself close to Byakuya, his boyfriend. He didn't do well with thunder..

"Naegi," the blonde male commanded, causing Makoto to peer up at him, "Are you sure you can handle this?" Despite being the younger of the two, Byakuya always handled storms better than the other. He just wasn't afraid of them, it seemed. Though, he did have the ability to get generators to power his whole house if needed, so that probably helped a lot.

"Uhh— yeah. Y-Yeah, I'm fine," the shorter boy insisted, flinching once more as a closer clap of thunder pierced through Makoto's ears. He knew that thunder could trigger panic attacks for him, and, though he never knew why, knew how bad they could get. Still, he always tried to stay optimistic and tough it out. It's almost over, he internally repeated to himself. He did his very best to drown out the blaring thunder by focusing on the TV.

Unfortunately, his anxiety was already spiking. He was already panicked, and mixed in was another sensation that he didn't quite notice yet— his headspace. It was tugging at his mind, and it was tugging hard. Yet, he was so distracted by the booming claps of thunder that blasted through the house every few seconds and the feeling of his anxiety beginning to overwhelm him, that he hadn't noticed his mindset slowly beginning to give way. He didn't notice the slight differences in pronunciation or pitch that showed themselves while he was thinking. He didn't notice the increasingly childlike thought processes that rushed around inside of his skull.

Kuya will protect me..

Thunder is scary..

Aah! Scary noise!!


I wan Daddy!

With the next clap of thunder being directly overhead, Makoto had lost any resolve he'd managed to gather, shrieking out in fear before he burst out sobbing. "Dada!!" he cried fearfully, trembling as two thin arms scooped him right up. He quickly recognized the familiar cologne of his caregiver, and he clung to the taller male as he hid his face in Byakuya's shoulder.

"Easy, Makoto. You're alright. The thunder isn't going to hurt you," he insisted with a gentle kiss to his sobbing little boy's head. "Daddy's got you. Easy, little one. It's rather scary for such a small baby, isn't it?" Makoto replied with a shaky nod as he continued to cry, luckily beginning to calm down. Unfortunately, another loud clap of thunder spooked him all over again, and Byakuya gave a quiet sigh. He had guessed that his little one was around two at the moment, and he needed comfort.

First order of business; find and grab Emerald. He knew the plush dinosaur couldn't have been far. It must have been around.. there! He quickly snatched the plush from the ground, shaking it a bit to try to get Makoto's attention with the rattle inside. Thankfully, the baby took the bait, only looking out for a moment so he could grab his favorite plush. "E-Em'awd.." the baby mumbled softly as he hid his face again.

"Yes, my little prince; it's Emerald. Hold onto him for me, okay?" Togami instructed, covering Makoto's ears at the next boom of thunder.

Step two; get Makoto a bottle of gingerbread angel milk. It was his favorite, and it always helped him calm down. Plus, it apparently tasted like Christmas — whatever that meant. Still, Makoto enjoyed it, so it had to have been a good thing. Right?

Byakuya held Makoto in his arms as the baby began anxiously biting on the dino's paw, which acted as a teether as it was supposed to. The heir carried his little boy down into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle and the premade gingerbread angel milk. He then poured the drink into the infantile cup before placing the bottle in the microwave. That was about the only thing Togami ever used the microwave for, but it was convenient— especially during times like these.

Makoto wasn't sobbing anymore, but he was still pitifully whimpering. It honestly hurt to see his little boy so scared, but was he going to show that for a number of reasons? No; no, he was not.

As soon as the microwave beeped, Byakuya pulled the bottle out, making sure the temperature was just right before handing it to his little boy. Naegi had been in his own little world for a moment, though he was pleasantly surprised by the sweet treat, and he gave a small coo before taking a sip. He already seemed to be calming down, thankfully. "There. Is that good enough for my little prince?" Togami asked, the little boy set carefully on his hip as he gave a nod. At least he was satisfied for the time being.

Third and final step; grab one of his music boxes and let it play.

Byakuya headed back up to the bedroom that he and Makoto were in previously, calmly pulling both himself and the frightened baby under the covers. He grabbed one of the music boxes off of the nightstand, showing Makoto as he wound it up and let it play.

The little one quickly recognized the melody; Demons. It sounded so soft and tranquil when the music box played it.. yet it still held the same emotion. Makoto liked it at the moment because it was soothing. It was a much better sound than that stupid, loud thunder.

Soon enough, Makoto had finished his bottle, and he was just about to fall asleep. Byakuya played back the music one more time, and, as sure as day, the little boy fell fast asleep. Thank god, because Byakuya was exhausted after the adrenaline rush and having to run around to take care of his baby. Still, this was something he didn't dare even think about trading for the world.

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